I Win

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I like games.

Card games. Board games. Softball games. Love games. All types of games.

Having a twin sister has made my whole life a game. We see everything as a competition no matter how many times our mom tries to drill into our head that we don't have to make everything a competition.

It only became worse when my best friend and now girlfriend, Lena Monte entered my life at camp the summer before sophomore year. I guess you could say the camp didn't appreciate our game of how many chocolate milks can one chug before throwing up.

The next summer our game was how many guys can we get into our cabin before the summer ends, but that one backfired midsummer when we found ourselves spending more time with each other. By the end of the summer we were Harwoods hottest couple.

Currently, we have two games going on. The first, and my personal favorite, is seeing who can slap the other person's butt ten times without them being aware. The winner gets to choose our colors for prom this year, but honestly it's just an excuse to touch the other's butt. Lena is currently winning by one.

The second game, and the least favorite is seeing how long we can keep our relationship a secret from our not so supporting families. The thought of coming out is daunting so instead we take the easy way out and hide. The only real time we have together is Thursday nights.

I get to watch her games from the patio of my work and afterwards I walk across the parking lot to congratulate her. Tonight was no exception to our Thursday night ritual.

As I swim through the crowd of cheering people, I spot the blue eye girl that makes my heart flutter. I dart behind the white column as I watch her interaction with Hayes Fisher, a narcissist asshole who Lena's parent think would make a great match for her.

Their conversation is short-lived before she excuses herself. My eyes stay locked on her as she aimlessly walks around in search of me. Within seconds she's swept into the sea of people. I scan the permitter hoping I can find her again but it's too late. I feel a tap on my butt and warm, heavy air in my ear.

"I win."

"Fuck Lena," I practically scream as I lunge myself straight into the column. Over my racing heart beat, I hear her deep, sweet laugh. "You nearly killed me."

She rolls her blue eyes. "You're fine," she replies, pulling me tightly into her warm, sweaty body.

"Lena," I whine, trying to pull away but instead she picks me up bridal style and carries me to her car.

"So about prom," she starts rambles on, losing me midway with her infectious smile. She may have won this time, but I am the real winner.

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