•Chapter 1: New school & Text buddy•

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NARRATOR: 3 new students arrived ML University their from Japan.
When the Three of them had arrived
Kagura went in to the classroom already to save Hanabi and Hayabusa some seats near her since she dosent  want to be lonely .
While Hanabi was talking to some girls and making friends.
Hayabusa was checking everyplace in school then he went to the classroom which he saw Kagura waving at him
Kagura:  Haya! here! I saved 2 seats near me for you and hanabi
Hayabusa: Thanks.

Hanabi: Hey what are you guys talking about ??Kagura:   I was just saying to haya that i saved the two of you a seat near me

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Hanabi: Hey what are you guys talking about ??
Kagura:  I was just saying to haya that i saved the two of you a seat near me . (Then she smiled)
Hanabi: too bad.. i was gonna plan to seat near my new friends but i dont want u to be mad at me...
Kagura: (sigh) You can seat with them no probs were fine here (noo werreee nott)
Hanabi:  jee.. Thanks!!!

~Teacher entered the classroom~

Teacher: Hello everyone my name is Ms.Libie I see we have some new students here may the three of you come here and introduce your selves?
Three of them walked in front of everyone and introduced them selves.

Kagura: Hi im Kagura! Im from japan ! :)
Hanabi: its Hanabi same country too..
Hayabusa: My name is Hayabusa also with them ...


Zilong: hey there! Hayabusa was it?
Wanna join our group?
Hayabusa: sure. (Said with a cool voice)

Zilong said to go to their table at lunch


Kagura: haya! Where are you gonna seat?
Hayabusa: at Zilongs group.
Kagura: oh... then can i join?
Hayabusa: come with me and well see or ask them.. is hanabi gonna come too?
Kagura: no shes eating with layla and miya's table (sigh)

(Walked to zilongs group table)

Zilong: hey there hayabusa! Who's the girl? ;)
Hayabusa: Oh! Shes my friend can she eat with us?
Kagura: can i eat at your table?
Zilong: Okay ;) are you his girlfriend?
Hayabusa: ....... (his face reded a little)
Kagura: Nonono.. i think u got the wrong idea! Were just really close friends!
Hayabusa deep in thougts : friends?! Huh...
(Kagura snapping him off his thoughts)
Kagura: haya! Hayaaa!!! ???
Hayabusa: what?
Zilong: okay now ur finally not in deep thoughts let me introduce my group
Alucard: hey!
Gusion: sup!
Lancelot: Hello (and returns his face to his cellphone)
Estes: hello there fellow classmate!
Kagura&Hayabusa: nice too meet you!
Alucard : hey kagura!
Kagura: yes?
Alucard: my friend ruby has a group maybe tou can join there so u wont feel left out.

Hayagura : Redstring ||Completed ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें