aww, it'll be alright. just think about it, you'll be spending your life with me now. how lucky can you get?! xx

you're right. i'm glad that i'll get to see you every morning, with your cute bed head. :)) xx

is that sarcasm? xx

nooo! anyway, see you tonight yeh? xx

yes ofc baby, later xx

i placed my phone back on the table. every time he talks to me, even if it is text, i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"awe, you seem really happy now. i can't wait to meet him, hopefully he can work his powers on me." yoongi smiled.

i furrowed my eyebrows, "that sounds really weird."

i unlocked my front door and stepped in, dropping my bag on the floor and taking off my trainers.

it was eerily quite, making me quite suspicious.

"um, anyone here?" i shout, walking into the kitchen.

i wandered around the island, before walking out again. "hello? is anyone in?" i shout at the bottom of the stairs, "or have you all taken off on a plane to the other side of the world?" i said to myself.

as i made my way to the second floor, i started to hear music. i slowly made my way in the direction of the music, it getting louder with each step i took.

i found myself outside jimins to-be-room. i steadily pushed the door open enough so i could see what was going on inside.

my eyes widen at the site, jimin had a towel wrapped around his waist, nothing else. water droplets made their way down his attractive body and i could see the steam elegantly flowing off his body. it was almost like he was on fire, he was hot.

my teeth grazed against my bottom lip, biting them lightly.
he was singing to the song playing, his voice was angelic. something i could listen to all day.

his voice somehow made me gain a little confidence, i open the door and made myself clear.

"oh my god, jungkook!" jimin gasped, instantly hitting his finger on the speaker. the music stopped and all i could hear was his panting.

"sorry, you don't mind do you?" i shrug and leap onto his bed which was nicely made.

"oh, well, uh. i-i um.." he took a deep breath, i could tell he was nervous. "no, not at all."

he walked into the bathroom and a few seconds later he came out with black shorts and a white shirt, which was a compliment to his defined body.

"when did you get here?" i asked him and he joined me on the bed.

"oh, about 2 hours ago. then, your dad left with my mom. they wanted a-" he raised up both of his hands and quoted "romantic night out."

i rolled my eyes and giggled, "so it's just us tonight?"

"i guess so." he shrugged.

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