Chapter Ten

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(F/N) felt her heart beating faster.
She quickly turned around.

"Please don't be afraid, darling" The voice let out a purr.

"Is there something you want from me?" She asked, trying to hide the fear in her voice.

"Yes, I want you" As the voice finished the sentence a large gust of wind rushed through the corridor.

(F/N) was drowning in fear. She then ran back to where the infirmary was located. Her eyes were closed tight as she tried to stop thinking about the voice.

"Woah, slow down" Stein said grabbing her shoulders.

(F/N) was panting heavily as her eyes searched the area.
She felt a bit more safe. Her arms tossed around Stein as she tried to help calm herself down.

"Do you want to go to my lab and talk about it over some tea?" He asked worried.

She nodded in his chest. She trusted Stein, him being her teacher and all. Plus, he was an excellent fighter.

"Okay, come on" He placed a hand on her back leading (F/N) to his office.


Stein handed the girl a cup of tea.
She sipped at it feeling herself calm down.

"So, why were you running?" Stein questioned.

Her head shot up from her tea. She sighed and began thinking of a way to explain the situation.

"I heard a voice" She started.

Stein tilted his head a bit confused but interested.
(F/N) inhaled deeply before exhailing, trying to think about how to continue this.

"I didn't know who's voice, but it was all echo like" She mumbled.
"I asked if it wanted something, it had told me that" She stopped.

"What did the voice say?" Stein asked.

"It wanted me" She mumbled her voice shaking.

Extraordinary GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ