On arrival at the dungeon gates the officer was confronted by two armed sentries who stood quickly to attention on his approach.  

“The Queen has ordered that Black Shuck be released to hunt down an escaped witch. Go immediately to the castle kitchens” he commanded them. “And return here with a hare’s carcass”.

The sentries promptly hurried off and before long reappeared with a butchered hare in hand.

“Now open the gates” demanded the officer.

Slowly pushing open the heavy iron gates to the dungeons the officer and his subordinates descended into the murk of the catacombs. Strange squeals and growls echoed from beyond the vaults as they proceeded through the caged menagerie to the black dog’s enclosure where all that could be seen were two large red glowing eyes. “Hold up the hare and let the hound catch the scent” ordered the officer as they drew nearer. Cautiously the sentry approached the bars of the cage.

 A deep agitated grumble like thunder bellowed from the shadows.

“Now take the carcass to Lhansburg wood and cast it into the nearest pond you come to. I will give you ten minutes before I release Shuck” said the officer. The sentry froze for a moment in absolute horror before swiftly taking to his heels.

But no sooner had he left the officer ordered that the black dog be set loose. Slowly and fastidiously the key to the lock was turned until the clunk of the locking bolt resounded in the hush

“Stand clear!” yelled the officer diving for cover in a recess as the gates of the cage burst open with an almighty crash.

 Out charged a huge black dog as big as a calf with razor sharp teeth and claws, its eyes burning brightly as it panted with rage. It sniffed the air and looked around briefly and then tore off in a whirlwind of dust much to the relief of the officer and his adjunct trembling with fear in the recess.

Out of the citadel gates and through the streets the black dog hurtled, smashing through market stalls and sending people and horses fleeing for their lives before disappearing in to Lhansburg wood, leaving behind him a trail of devastation.

By this time Laila had stopped running and gradually returned to her natural form. Tired and enervated from all the excitement she rested awhile to contemplate over the extraordinary happenings beneath the shade of a beech tree. It was so quiet and peaceful in the woods, just the soft twitter of bird song to sooth the spirit. But the tranquillity was only transient as her attention was suddenly drawn to the strange sound of brushwood snapping in the distance. Rapidly the sound began to grow in volume forcing Laila back on to her feet again.

Agitated she looked about for somewhere to hide but with no time to think she instinctively ran in the opposite direction to the noise and deeper into the woods. But no matter how fast or far she ran the sound seemed to track her every movement and at great speed. Before long she could feel the tremor of heavy feet pounding against the ground and the terrifying pant, of whatever it was racing in pursuit of its prey. Turning around Laila could see a large black dog around two hundred yards away amongst the trees rushing straight towards her. She tried to out run it but it was no use. The dog was far too agile and had leapt on her from behind within a flash, pinning her face down on to the ground.

She could feel the piercing pain from its sabre like claws in her back but no matter how much she struggled she just could not move. Glancing up from the corner of her eye Laila could only watch as the terrifying beast licked its teeth and opened its wide powerful jaws to take a bite at her when all of a sudden there came an almighty thump and the next thing she saw was her assailant hurling through the air like a stone.

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