Gift from Zeus (Part Two)

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You didn't actually plan on fighting Aiko. She was just hurt and scared and full of vengeance.

You sent a current to the blades around you not wanting melt them as they had some sentimental value towards her if she could conjure them. Instead you used your electric field to release her control of the blades.

Aiko took a step back, this time going into offense using her only floating Dagger she had control of to make some sort of offensive stance.

"I'm sorry Aiko. I did what I had to do. It's no excuse for how you feel." You took slow steps towards Aiko and she backed away at a healthy pace with a face of distrust.

"Back away!!!" Aiko yelled at you.

You didn't listen. You got entirely too close to Aiko and she sent her dagger flying towards your stomach. You didn't defend against the blade instead you let it pierce you. You winced at the pain but it wasnt enough to put you out of action at all.

You threw your arms around Aiko with the blade still in your stomach. Her head inside inside your chest and without looking you could tell her face showed a surprised expression.

You placed your hand on the back of her head and the other around her.

"I'm sorry. It's what I was raised to do. You can't treat me like I don't feel remorse or empathy."

She began to cry in your shirt, screaming almost. She was letting out all the pain and suffering she had to endure. Your blood began to seep through your white shirt and onto her skin.

You began to feel weak as you had extended not only a lot of NEN but plenty of blood. With your arms still around her you collapsed backwards taking her with you.

You passed out, which was your body's signal of saying it wanted to heal.

------------------Time skip--------------

You woke up in complete darkness except for a bright yellowish light infront of you. You shielded your eyes as they adjusted. Sitting up you reached for your stomach wound which was patched up nicely, stitched and everything. However by now you were healed enough to operate at 100 percent.

"Yeah... Sorry about that." Aiko said poking the bright light with a stick which was now clear to be a fire infront of you. She was in a knee hugging sitting position on the floor.

You didn't say anything as you didn't know where her thoughts were.

"I know it's kind of weird that I went from trying to kill you just a day ago to now making sure you survive a near fatal wound."
She said staring at the fire not making eye contact.

"Yeah..." You said quietly, leaning against the tree behind you.

"I didn't know you were on an Assassination mission when you killed my father. You were raised to kill, I can't blame you. It's like blaming the gun, I need to find who pulled the trigger." She said, still not making eye contact.

"Your brother, I think his name was ilami or something. He approached me as soon as you blacked out. He handed me this."

She reached behind the fallen tree trunk she was leaning against and pulled a long thin cloth sword casing that looked to be containing a sword.

"He told me not to touch the sword directly unless I wanted to die, I thought it was a threat but I soon after realized it was a fact."

She slid the sword towards you and you stopped it from sliding as it got near you.

Pulling the Velcro strip revealed a black sword with an purple glowing light which was NEN.

Aiko backed away and started breathing a little bit faster.

"You okay?" you asked looking away from the sword.

"That power is incredible... It's like another one of you in a blade. Maybe that's what your brother meant. The blade would overpower, and kill me."

"I'm Going to touch it."

"I spent hours saving your life and then you're going to risk it again 10 minutes later?"

" Yep!" you said grasping the blade and then unsheathing it revealing a beautiful blade.

"See, it was just Illumi fucking with you."

You had spoke too soon as the blade then began to trickle it's own purple sparks in a small area around you. Your REN spiked without you attempting to do so and your Godspeed ability activated. Your previously blue electric or lightning ability had shifted to a dangerous ruby red.

"(Y/n).. Aiko said slowly backing away.

You began to grunt and fell to a knee before stabbing the ground to help keep yourself up.

The power became overwhelming. Your eyes started to roll to the back of your head as you were starting to pass out. You heard a voice in your head now.

" I am the God of Gods! The Almighty Zeus! Don't let it overwhelm you! You can't let my gift go to waste!"

"What? You said out loud just barely being able to speak.

"I have taken interest in your interest in lightning type abilities. I feel as if it's a worship, to show my appreciation I have gifted you with this blade made from my own blood. Don't let it go to waste!"

Unsure if this was just a psychological reaction to a adrenaline rush you acted anyways. Screaming out of sheer suffering you got back into your feet and spiked your REN even further.

The blade then faded as if Thanos pulled a snappy boi on the sword and the purple particles floated into your body.

You then fell to your knees gasping for air, coughing blood, and vomiting.

Aiko rubbed your back as you got it all out.

"There you go." She said stroking your Silvirish white hair.

You laid the back of your head in Aiko's Lap still struggling to breathe.

"You'll be okay." She said still stroking your hair and shushing you.

Despite how less than a day ago she was just going all out to kill you, she has been able to flip the switch quite simply and project a sister like image.

"I want you to know that I truly don't blame you for my father's death. Everyone has their bullet, he had it coming. But that doesn't mean I can't avenge him." She said looking up in the night sky.

She looked into your eyes and spoke again.

" I'll stay here with you untill you're stable but as soon as you are I have to leave. I'll leave my number in your phone if you ever need me." Aiko said taking your phone out of your pocket.

" Stop trying to fight it." Aiko said

"Just rest. I'll make sure you're okay."

Hearing her words you closed your eyes and slept again.


A/N: Last time I'll accelerate the plot by making the MC pass out lmao leave a vote it helps tbh

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