Chapter 2

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Splash splash splash my knee high rain boots became soaked in mud as I walked down the driveway of my new home. I really need a car i thought to myself as I felt a rain drop land on my cheek. "Welcome to meadow brook Washington" I sarcastically mumbled under my breath as the rain started to sprinkle a little heavier than before. I've been living here for over a week now and I'm still adjusting to the constant rain.
While in town on a grocery run the other day I noticed a little book store with a hiring sign hanging in their window. I was unable to stop in at the time but I decided to go today and submit an application I just didn't think to bring an umbrella with me.
The town of meadow brook was very small. It only had a few family owned stores and restaurants and the rest of the space consisted of thick forest. The town was right on the coast and no matter where you were in town you could drive a short distance and have your toes in the sand. The town was quite beautiful and rustic, I haven't seen a place like it before. Everything had a certain mystery to it though, the people were all quiet and mostly kept to themselves and the woods were Eerily quite.

The rain began to fall heavier and I tried to quicken my pace as I stumbled along the sidewalk, my rain boots making it quit difficult. By the time I got into town I looked rather funny. my dark brown hair was saturated and dripping with water, my mascara ran down my face and my clothes were completely soaked.
Despite my appearance and the looks I was getting from the people around me I continued my way to the store.

The door opened with a chiming sound. The smell of books and coffee hit my nose instantly making me smile. As I made my way into the store the sound of my wet rain boots squeaking against the wood floors made my presence in the quite and empty store present.

An older gentleman who walked with a cane peaked out from behind one of the book shelves. He gave me a soft smile and pulled on his glasses that were placed on top of his head. "Can I help you look for anything, dear?" His voice was very gentle and it held much concern after he glanced at my soaked to the bone appearance. "I..saw your hiring sign. I'd like to apply" I gave him a soft smile and I slightly grew embarrassed at my definitely not professional appearance. "Why don't you take a seat and I'll get you something to warm up with" he returned my smile and began walking towards the counter. "My name is Arthur king, I'm the owner" the name suited him perfectly. "Noelle" I quietly muttered, shyness being my greatest fault. He walked over to the chair I was sitting in and placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of me before taking a seat across from me. "Did you recently move here?" Arthur asked with a questioning look on his face, I nodded my head yes in return "not many new people come here. It's refreshing seeing a new face" I smiled and picked up the coffee, wrapping my hands around the warm mug and instantly feeling comforted. "I have really enjoy it here so far, just not so much the weather" both of our faces crinkled as we laughed.
After talking for what seemed like hours Arthur hired me. I would be spending my days at the book store stalking shelves and dusting, sometimes making a fresh pot of coffee for Arthur and I on rainy afternoons.
Arthur and I shared many similar interests. We both loved poetry, classical music, and both took our coffee Black "the stronger the better" we both agreed on. He told me about his wife and her love for books. his wife and him owned the store but after his wife passed away his deep grief caused him close it for awhile. He just recently re opened and was looking for people who shared the same love for literature that his wife did.
"Your eyes lit up the same way hers did when you saw these books. You didn't see the dust and the disorganization, you saw all of the future possibilities and the untold stories that these book possess. That's why i like you and that's why I'm hiring you."  I couldn't help the ear to ear smile that I gave Arthur after he spoke those sweet and meaningful words to me. With a hug goodbye and a promise to return soon to start my first day I left the bookstore.
    After spending my afternoon in the warm comfort of Arthur's store I decided to walk down the street to a local cafe to grab something to eat before heading home.

I was fortunate that Mr. King hadn't judged my appearance like the many others did as I walked down the street. My face grew flushed with a red tint as the humiliation set in that I still had mascara coating my under eyes and cheeks and my hair still resembled a frizzy, damp mop. I picked up my speed and stared at my boots as I trudged down the sidewalk. I was busy counting the cracks in the concrete when I felt something wet and hot being poured down the front of my sweater right before I collided with a hard surface.
I fell to the ground, face first. Nice job Noelle I sarcastically thought to myself as my face grew even more red than before. My black tights were ripped on the knees and my bloody and scraped skin was visible. I sat myself up and gasped as I examined the stinging skin of my knees. "Are you okay?" A deep voice sounded from Above me. "I'm so sorry I ran into you, I should have been watching where I was going" I quickly apologized still not looking up at the stranger, I was too embarrassed. "Don't apologize, let me help you." The stranger kneeled down next to me and that's when I saw him.

It seemed that constellations lived in his eyes they were such a deep blue, his face was strong and stoic but held such concern for me. The rain still was heavy around us and the pain still present in my knees but his eyes held me captive. "I'm sorry" he muttered his voice was deep and raspy, his eyes still not leaving mine. He extended his hand and I placed my delicate hand into his much larger one as he gently helped me to my feet.
      My tights were ripped and my cream sweater was covered in coffee I must look horrendous no wonder he's staring "what's your name" his eyes held so much wonder as he peered down at me, my hand still enveloped in his. "Noelle" I said quietly looking back down at my boots, removing my hand from his. "That's a very pretty name, it suits you well" my face turned red again he's just being polite. He doesn't really think that I thought to myself  but his voice interrupted my thoughts
    "Jaxson Armstrong"  I looked up at his towering frame and gave him a soft smile. The way his eyes connected back to mine, it was like he looked at me like there was something worth looking at.
     "We should get out of the rain!" He exclaimed breaking me out of my trance as the rain began pouring even harder over us. "Please let me buy you a coffee, I would really like to give you a proper apology for ruining your sweater" he gave a wide smile but it soon fell as I stuttered out "n-no thank you, I-i really have to get home" as his smile left a seldom expression replaced it "I'm sorry" i gave a final apology before turning my back to the handsome stranger and making my way back home.

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