The Boy

18 3 0

Written by Me

Present Day


Dear Diary,

I saw a boy today. His eyes were chocolate brown and his skin was dark and the spotlight seemed to shine on him.

I noticed he had something behind his ear. Maybe he's deaf?

That'd be amazing if I'd fall in love with a deaf boy. I mean, we both can't talk. We both use sign to communicate.

Let me correct myself...I can talk. I just choose not to. I can't imagine using my vocal chords to make words evaporate like smoke out of my mouth. I hate my voice.

I've hated my voice ever since I was eight years old.

So, that's why I use sign language. I like my hands more than my vocal chords.

The aunt who I live with- Aunt Becky- understands me. At times it seems like she's the only person that understands me.

She's the only person in my family who understands why I'm mute.

She understands why I speak with my hands instead of my mouth.

I wonder if the boy would understand.


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