Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Nate's POV

I watch her get ready, studying every inch of her skin, slowly deciding what to do with her to get rid of her. All I know is that I don't want to harm that pretty little face of hers.

But, oh, the things I'll do to her body. Kiss every inch, make each moment long and agonizing for her, while it's erotic and sensual for me. Just thinking about it turns me on.

Stepping away from the window, I turn to my sleek black Audi. With grace, I clamber in.

Quickly, I punch the address into my GPS and hit the gas. I fly out of the neighborhood and onto the man road. I hardly pay attention to any of the other cars around me, my thoughts drifting to Scarlett and all the pleasure I'll get from this so called "vacation".

Then of course there's the other girl. She'll be fun to toy around with for a while. Once I get sick of her-which I have a feeling that will happen pretty fast-I'll just dispose of her the same way I am disposing of Scarlett.

Minutes later I pull into the parking lot of the Adult Superstore. A wicked grin crosses my face as I make my way towards the entrance.

Let the fun and games begin.


Scarlett's POV

It has been a while since Nate has left. I wonder what he's up to. Probably fucking another whore like usual. Who knows. This relationship is almost over, thankfully.

Why didn't I run when I had the chance?

God, I'm a foolish girl. A very stupid, ignorant, foolish girl. Hopefully, if I have any say in it, Georgia won't end up like me.

No, she'll never end up like me. I don't want to set an example for her of how she thinks a man should treat her, like my mother did.

Instantly, at the thought of it, I shudder.

My mother.

Who would know that I would grow up to be exactly like her. When I had Matt I thought that she was stupid for letting guys walk over her. Then again, she was a stripper. She wasn't exactly a role model mother type figure. She was just an example of what not to be.

My dad had been the one to pay for all of my riding expenses. Even after him and my mother got divorced, he would still make an effort to see me. He had really loved my mother, that is until she started cocaine, and would be gone for long periods of time without telling anyone where she was going.

But even then, he stayed with her. It wasn't until she came home, after being gone for months, knocked up by some other guy. After that, he took a stand and left her. He never took me which I'll never understand why. I was always a daddy's girl.

After he left, my mom turned to stripping and prostitution for money to live and do drugs. It was never a pretty sight. She always had many guys come over and they never treated her like my dad did, in fact they treated her worse.

It wasn't until one day that I came home from school that I found her dead on the couch from an overdose and physical abuse. They never caught the guy.

I shake my head to rid myself of the horrible memory. Sullenly, I zip up my suitcase and put it at the end of the bed. I put on my pajamas and crawl into bed.

Nate still isn't home, I hope he never comes home.


Nate's POV

"Wake up, bitch," I growl at her and shove her hard.

Her bright blue eyes jerk wide open, a frighten look in her eyes. The look always gave me pleasure to know what control I have over her.

"Coming," she whispers. I roll my eyes at her and stalk off. Grabbing our suitcases, and my "special suitcase", I put them in the car.

Impatiently, I wait for her to get in the car. She slips in the passenger side quietly and wordlessly.

Neither of us speak to the airport. One thing I did like about Scarlett is that she's not one for useless chatter. Not that I'd ever tell her.

Thirty minutes later, I pull into a parking spot at the airport. Opening the trunk I grab my bag and I throw hers on the ground. She quickly picks it up and I walk off.

Why bother acting like a caring boyfriend when I already know the outcome of the weekend.

Scarlett, welcome to the vacation from hell.

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