The Aftermath · 20

Start from the beginning

"Yes mum."

She stands up to tower over me and then kisses my forehead. She then smiles down at me.

"Harry will be coming to visit you after your released in a few minutes." She says and then smiles.

"I'm really proud of him saving you like he did." She says and I nod. There it is. Her approval.

She then walks out of the room to leave me alone with my thoughts again. In all seriousness this entire situation has scarred me and will forever be apart of me. Yet, I will never forget all the good things that happened.

I met Harry.

Grown closer with Emily.

Got to see my cousin again.

And most importantly grown to accept my dad again. I mean life was hard and did tragically plummet but I still had the people around me. Harry, Emily, Liza and somewhat Zayn. They all had my back through thick and thin.

Plus I know Zayn wasn't exactly our cup of tea but he still warned us. He still gave us a heads up about Louis. He was still jagged around the edges but maybe we could help him.

Another knock was at the door when I finally turned off the Tele. I yelled out for them to come in and I seen a tall figure appear. Which came to be Harry.

"It's Harry." He speaks out and next to him appears a smaller frame.

"And Liiiiza." She sings out smiling at me as they both entered my room. I laugh as they dance their way into my hospital room.

I take a look at both my boyfriend and cousin. Harry had a navy blue splint on his wrist with bandages underneath it. He was functioning fine of course and he had no other fatality. He was still beautiful Harry Styles.

Liza on the other hand was carrying a ice pack and had bandages on her nose. She was still smiling and I give her huge props for that. I hoped she never stopped smiling.

"How's it going hot stuff?" Liza asks taking a seat at the edge of the hospital bed. Harry sits next to me in the chair and looks up to me like my mother sid before.

"I'm good. We're all just waiting to get discharged. They just wanted me to talk with a grief counselor and have an evaluation before sending me home." I explain and they both nod their heads.

"Yeah same here." They say. The room fell to silence as we ignored the elephant in the room. It was obvious what we wanted to talk about. Just didn't know how to.

"Well, Anyone heard from Emily?" I ask and Harry perches up.

"I've actually been down to talk with the doctor and detective both. They say she suffered some really bad wounds and that'd it wouldn't be a fatal case. Emily lost alot of blood but not enough that it kills her." He says and then scratches through his greasy hair.

"Just have to check on her internal organs and make sure she's okay." Liza says. I nod and then we all sit back again to the awkward silence not acknowledging what we really wanted to talk about it.

"Okay! Im just gonna say it!" Liza breaks out . She leans in to both of us.

"Louis is a fucking nut case." She says and we all burst into laughter knowing exactly what she meant. I'm glad going through what we did, we can laugh about it.

"Well we wanna know your story." Harry pipes up pointing to Liza.

"Well we were in bed being whatever we were. Then he's just like 'bro we should run away and go have a good time' and I'm thinking he's just wants to take me out or something." She begins and she's already frowning.

"He waits till you two left and we left and he was just becoming so pushy about leaving and before I knew it. I was being kidnapped." She says and shrugs. We just stare not really knowing what to say.

"It was nothing really. Not traumatic or anything. Having my head smashed into the ground." She smiles and we pipe up asking her all kinds or concerning questions to feed into her attention seeking.

"Anyways. How'd you guys get there?" She asks and I shrugged my shoulders..

"We were captured by raptors and taken to the warehouse after we found out Louis was the killer. But echo being apart is what's so confusing? Like why would you help Louis kill a shit ton of people?" I speak out answering her question.

"My theory on it is that she is the lowlife. She is the shadow. That's her persona so I think and this is just a theory, she was Louis' rodeo. She lured giselle in. She got the pills from Liam. She knew Liam already and probably lured him to the arch. Maybe to make out since they were dating and she killed Lana herself and let Louis take most of the credit." Harry explains and then sits his hand ontop of mine.

I shake my head in disbelief. "I still can't wrap my head around the fact she made herself look like she was guilty only to be proven innocent by detectives." I say and Liza shrugs.

"Maybe louis told her to say something or come out of the shadows." She adds in. She throws her ice pack in the garbage and then Harry speaks up.

"I guess to show she was a victim too. That there's no way Louis could even possibly be because he's a victim too."

"So Echo killed Kim?" I asked and Harry nods. He shrugs afted watching Liza's jaw drop

"Only makes sense." He says and then we all heard knocks at the door. We turn our heads to see my mother standing there with teary eyes.

My heart dropped at seeing her crying again and realized it was some bad news. I couldn't take any more bad news. I just felt it instantly. It's something with Emily.

She steps inside and she's taking a deep breath. Before she can get a word out I stopped her.

"Mom? Is she dead?"


Alright ladies.

This chapter was more of a cliff hanger but clarification for all the jumbled mess called my plot.

The reason its short is because and if you don't already know.

I'm writing a sequel to Date Night. It'll include new characters like Tom and Liza. It'll shine light more on how the characters feel and the trial for Louis and Echo. Its of course going to have alot more comedy since I didn't incorporate it in this book much. And last but not least add more mystery and horror. I mean why not.

It will be posted later next week and its basically about surviving Senior year. I'll try to build my title around thag concept.

Thanks for reading and commentimg. I love and appreaciated. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and if you don't mind commenting your favorite part or what you liked about Date Night.

Alright thanks again. Later bubs✌✌

Date Night // Narry AU // Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now