The Aftermath · 20

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The last thing before the surprise.

Idk if you'll like it.

But read away

I laid awake in the hospital bed feeling numb. The past few weeks in my life have been absolute hell. I lost Liam and Lana. I almost lost my life and I'm sitting here like a sick patient wondering did Emily die.

She was in surgery at the moment. The nurse explained that she had a serious lower abdomen stab wounds and that she had lost alot of blood. I just curse at myself thinking I should've tried harder to stop Louis. I shouldn't have let him gut Emily like that.

I should've helped more and I should've listened to my mother. I would've never had to sit and sulk about Emily. She would still be here with me.

The detective that came in earlier simply asked me what I knew about Louis and his plans. I told them everything so they can collect any evidence including the note from Liam.

God Im so sick of crying but it hurts. It hurts when I think about Harry spraining his wrist just to save me. It hurts so bad to see my mother in so much pain about seeing me in a hospital bed.

I just lay curled up in a ball, crying my eyes out again and try not to faint. I was so fucking sad and I wanted Liam here. To tell me that everything will be fine. Or Lana to remind me that even though we're hurt we can still make it. I want everyone here but Louis took them from us.

He took my happiness.

I finally laid still not listening to anything and just listened to the silence. It wasn't long until I heard knocks on my door. I looked up to see it was my mother. Her eyes were red and puffy. I knew that she was hurting.

She smiled at me and I gave her a smile. She just walks over to my bedside and sits in the chair provided. She turns to me and I see tears leave her eyes. I just turn to her and let her lay her head on me. She was hurting seeing me like this.

"Niall. Baby?" She whispers.

"Yes mum." I choke out on a sob.

"I'm sorry." She says holding my hand firm and tight. She lifts my hamds up to kiss it and then rubbing the area she kissed.

"Mum it's not your fault." I sat and she nods, sniffing and biting her lips.

"I just couldn't lose you. I had already lost Bobby. I couldn't lose you too. I was so scared and I thought why as a mother couldn't I just had known Louis was a bit off." She tells me. I lay my head back on the pillow.

"He was so good. He slipped right from under my nose and he got the best of us." She says and I shake my head.

"No. Mom, Louis was a lunatic but he was a character. He played his part well and there's no way any of us would've seen it coming." I reassure her. I refuse to have my mother downing herself on something she couldn't control.

"Well your dad and I think it's best if you finish school and we take a well needed vacation." She says squeezing my hand.

We sit in silence for maybe a few minutes.

"Will you and dad ever get married again?" I ask and She takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Yes. We will soon get married again. We do love each other very much and we did need some time to figure ourselves out before continuing any further. I did forgive him from stepping out on us but I think it's very important if you do the same." She explains. "It wont be the same if I only think about my feelings instead of yours."

I nod smiling at her. "Yeah. I forgive him." I chuckle and she giggles along with me.

"For now on. No more referring to him as Bobby." She says stern cracking a smile even though she was serious.

Date Night // Narry AU // Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now