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Lizas POV:

David,Kristen,Scott, and i are all at the movies watching Avengers, The screen is so blurry i can barely see faces, the sound is so horrible it sounds like finger nails going across a old fashioned chalk board,or a dragon choking, david is full on pissed

L: im gonna go talk to then about it

he yells at me, did he just yell at me? the hell is wrong with him?

S: david bro chill
L: im gonna go get pop corn

i lie, im gonna go cry

K: can i come with?
L: no just stay here
K: o-kay

she says slowly, but curious, i walk out the movie room and into the lobby, i just go to the cafe and sit, just crying, i have so much stress on my shoulders right now, after sitting for almost 2 hours kristen comes to check on me

K: hey
L: hey
K: you okay?
L: yea just have some stress on me
K: are you gonna be okay?
L: yea

the guys come walking in

D: well the movie is horrible as shit so you guys just wanna go home

kristen looks at me a whispers

K: do you wanna go home with me?

i nodded

S: can we just go to your house dave?
K: actually i was just wondering if you could just bring me to the house, i wanna see link and im getting tierd anyways
D: oh ok yea of course
L: and i-im g-gonna stay with k-kristen
D: oh ok

we walk to the car and i get in the back

D: your not gonna get in the front?
L: no im good back here
D: oh ok

he drops us off at the guys house while kristen and i go inside to play with link, after about 3 hours we decided to paint our nails, as i paint my last toe i get a text from david

hey im sorry i yelled at you earlier
its ok.
are you mad?
oh ok i love you
mmhm i love you too

K: how stupid is he?
L: i dont know pretty stupid i guess

we laugh and make jokes the rest of the night until we fall asleep


i wake up to a knock at the front door, i get up and open it with my eyes half way open, i see david standing there with flowers and chocolates

D: here i got you these

he says handing me the flowers and chocolates and kissing my cheek

L: aww babe thanks
D: im sorry about yesterday
L: its ok thank you bubba

i say wrapping my arm around his neck and kissing him on the lips passionately

D: i love you
L: i love you too

we sit and cuddle while watching a movie and  i eat my chocolate, he kisses my head

D: i love you
L: i love you more
D: impossible

i smile to myself and just sit back and relaxing

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