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Lizas POV:

D: hey babe, how are you today beautiful?

he says as he pecks my lips and i return the peck

L: im good, how are you?

I lied. How am i...? I'm emotionally drained. I could kill myself right now without a second thought. I''m so done with everything right now. But you dont wanna hear that,so i'll go with fine. It maybe sounds selfish. and i know nonody really gonna listen. I'm saying that because it's my own perspective. I feel lost,broken,tired, empty,worhless,sadlad,angry,helpless,alons,paralyzed, useless,depressed, guilty, miserable,terrible,terrified,scared,afraid,pained,
nervous, forced to be happy and alive, Today is a day where i cant to out of bed.Where depression hits you like a god damn fucking train, I started ny day with a half bottle of  milk that i thought of as vodka. Bad thing I know I know. I'm not even proud of it. It dosen't take much to make me cut. Yeah today everything is going to be shit. I dont know how much it takes to destroy me completely. Yeah I dont feel good. I feel barely alive. But...idk i just want to end it. sorry...

L: David, baby, i gotta tell you something

i say as i sit grabbing his hands

D: yes, pookie, is everything okay?

i pull up my sleeve and he looks at my cuts

D: baby, why? is it me? what happened?

i start crying and he pulls me into a hug and holds me as i cry into his shoulder

L: you did nothing,well you did, you inserted your sperm into me

he looks at me with joy in his eyes

D: y-yo-your -
L: im pregnant

he looks at me and kisses me with joy

D: were having a baby?!
L: were having a baby!

we kiss with joy

D: wait! why are you cutting again?
L: m-my dad h-hes in t-town

thats right hes back

D: its ok pookie, we wont let him in the new house, remember we moved! he dosent know were we live now! remember that, i love you, i will protect you, and our little one, please dont worry about this

i nod and he grabs my arms having me stand up and bringing me to the bathroom

D: im gonna lift your sleves up, is that okay?

i nod and he lift my sleves up revealing my cuts

D: you didnt cut deep, were just gonna bandage them and they should be cleared in like an hour actually

i nod and he bandages my arms, i smile when he finishes and wraps my arms around his neck and he grabs onto my waist

L: when did you become such a doctor?

i say as i giggle and peck his lips

D: since 2015 when you got a paper cut and thought you were gonna bleed to death

we start laughing

L: well

we kiss again

L: now i know our baby will be safe
D: you both will!

it hits me

L: omg were gonna be parents!
D: thats right babe! we are gonna be parents!

we kiss ans start laughing


he picks me up and spins me around

D: thanks for carrying my baby!
L: thanks for giving me my baby!

we kiss and rest forhead to forhead this is our life

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