11 - Now I need someone to bring me back to life

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Jesse pov:
I woke up with an aching neck. I had slept on a chair in an uncomfortable position, not wanting to let go of Nika's hand. Sophia had woken me up by stroking my head. "Hey. How are you holding up?" she asked. I sighed. "There is still no change." I said quietly. Sophia gave me a bag. "I went home to change and grab some clothes for you. Please get out of that suit." She told me. "I will keep an eye on her." I nodded thankfully and went to change. On my way back I also grabbed two coffees. When I came back into the ICU room I found Sophia sitting beside my sister's bed and quietly talking to her. I stopped at the door to not interruptiong them. "You are a good kid and you really have a good impact on him. He seems happy you know." Her phone made a noise and she took it out. "Oh hey look! These are the pictures that were made yesterday. Wow, this one looks cute. You chose the right dress. We three match perfectly. We actually look like... A little family..." She broke off. I smiled sadly. Seeing her with Nika was the most beautiful thing I have seen the last 24 hours. I went into the room causing Sophia to abruptly looking up from her phone. When she recognized me she too smiled sadly. "The pictures from yesterday are really cute." she said and I nodded. I handed her the coffee and then sat down again beside Nika's bed. "Do you think she will be the same after this?" I suddenly asked. Sophia stayed quiet for a a few minutes but then answered "All I know is that she will always be herself. No matter how much damage in her brain is she will always be Nika. She will always be your sister." After she said that she gave me a kiss. Suddenly I felt Nika squeezing my hand. I turned to her frightened. "SHE SQUEEZED MY HAND! Get a doctor!" I shouted and Sophia jumped up to find one. I turned back to my sister. "Nika! Nika, can you hear me?" Again I felt a very weak squeeze. I stroke her cheek. "Come on wake up." I pleaded, now knowing she could hear me. The doctor came in with two nurses. They checked her vitals. "She is responding. Drop the sedativum. We're gonna wake her up."

Nika pov:
My head was hurting like hell and it cost me a huge amount of energy to open my eyes. I looked around me. I was in a hospital room with a machine bleeping constantly beside me. Jesse half sat on a chair, half laid on my bed with his hand intertwined with mine. Then a nurse came in. "Oh hey sweety. You're awake! That's so good to see. You caused a lot of worries here. Especially for him." She said and pointed at my brother. "Should I wake him up? He tried to stay awake ever since the doctors said they would drop the sedativum. And that was two days ago! He didn't want to miss you waking up." She told me with a friendly smile. I shook my head. That was all I could do since a tube was still stuck down my throat. The nurse nodded and freed me from the tube. I tried to move my hand to reach a glass of water standing on a bedside table but my fingers didn't move an inch. It was weird. I also couldn't move any other part of my body, except for my head. The nurse saw what I wanted and helped me with drinking. "You are going to be okay sweety. I will stop by again later." She said and left the room.
The same moment, Jesse started to stir. He yawned and said "You can't imagine how hard this damn chair is and how bad my back is hurting right now." without looking at me. "Actually I can." I said with a croaky and very weak voice. Jesse immediately shot around, jumping up from his chair. "Oh my god you are awake! We have to call a doctor!" He chaotically said, probably not knowing what to do right now. I laughed. "A nurse was already here but I wanted to let you sleep." I said. Speaking was hard. Very hard. Jesse moved his hands through his hair. "Nika, promise me something. Never, never in your life scare me again like that! I was sure I would loose you." He said and sat down again, grabbing my hand. "I won't. I promise." I said with a smile. "Indianerehrenwort." I added, knowing he had no idea what it meant. Then a dark shadow laid over his eyes. "Are you okay? Do you remember anything? Can you move everything?" He asked. I shortly searched through my mind. "I can remember everything except for what exactly happened at the premier and what I ate on saturday three weeks ago." I joked. I would give everything to see my brother smile and he did. "I can't move my hands or my feet right now but the nurse said I would be okay." I told my brother and even though I wanted him to worry less about me it didn't seemed like it worked. He stood up and left the room, saying he just wanted to talk to a doctor. I couldn't tell what the expression on his face meant but what I definitely saw was fear.

Jesse pov:
How should I tell her? How could I tell her? She wasn't able to move her body so I talked to the doctor. Together we went back to her room and after the doctor checked her he nodded in my direction. I sighed. This couldn't be true. Nika of course recognized that something was off. "Tell me what is wrong?" she asked in fear. I sat down beside her and grabbed her hand again. A tear streamed down her face. I couldn't look her in the eye. "Nika, it is possible that the paralysis of your body is permanent.."

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