6 - Can we be friends?

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Jesse pov:

I'm never gonna understand this thing between girls and make-up. Literally never! Nika and I arrived at the Cinespace studios Chicago and I quickly changed and now Nika met the two make-up artists Grace and Mary. They immediately get along great over discussing about make-up. While Grace was working on my face, Mary and Nika laughed about me and took a selfie. I was glad to see Nika having fun, so I let them laugh. Even if it was about me. When Grace was finished we were just about to leave when Jon Seda and my best friend Paddy entered the room. They both greeted me with a hug. "Hey man, good to see you again." Paddy said with his usual grin. "Ready for some action scenes today?" He sounded really excited, because these days were his favourite. I nodded. "Definitely." I answered. Then Paddy recognized Nika. "Hey, are you an episode actress?" Paddy asked and Nika slightly shook her head. "May I introduce to you: This is my little sister Nika. Nika, these are Patrick Flueger and Jon Seda. They are playing Adam Ruzek and Antonio Dawson on the show." I said and confusion was all I could see on Patricks and Jons faces. "Hey, nice to meet you." Nika said and streched out her hand to my colleagues. Paddy was my best friend so he knew about my family but I could see how his brain worked overtime to figure out how the hell I could have gotten another sister. "It's a long story. What about having a barbecue on monday after work and I explain everything?" I suggested and they both agreed to come. Jon said he would bring his daughter and son so Nika could meet some of her age. After the conversation Paddy and Jon got their make-up done and we all went to the set.

Nika pov:

Patrick and Jon were really nice. After some confusion they accepted me and didn't bother any further. We four went to the set. It was an office and Patrick told me that tey called it Bullpen. Jesse introduced Brian Luce the technical advisor to me, who was a really fun guy. He showed me how everything worked, while Jesse had to act his role of Jay Halstead. Luce got me a seat behind a screen where I could see everything. Jesse aka Jay had a conversation with his boss Hank Voight portraid by Jason Beghe. I was kinda scared of him because he acted really mad but I found out that it was only his role. He was a really funny person actually. Then there was a break and Jesse got me a coffee. "Do you like it?" he asked and I nodded in excitement. "It's awesome!" My brother asked me if I could get him and Patrick something to eat at the catering trailer so I made my way there. I ordered and just checked my phone for a second before the cooking woman turned around. I couldn't close my mouth. "Mrs. Robinson! What are you doing here?!" I shouted as I recognized the elderly woman from the plane. Her eyes also lit up as she saw me. Mrs. Robinson came out of the trailer and hugged me. "Hey sweety! The better question, what are you doing here? How did things with your brother work out?" she asked exuberant. I smiled. "Great. Jesse is super nice and everything is awesome!" I told her. "Oh that's great to hear honey. But if you had told me that Jesse Lee Soffer is your brother..." she began but didn't finish the sentence. She went back into the trailer and gave me the food I ordered. "If you need anything, you know where to find me." she smiled and winked. I waved a goodbye and went back to the set.
After lunch Jesse told me that we were heading over to another location for the action scenes so we got into the car. When we arrived at a normal seeming street they set up all their stuff and I spent some time wandering around. I look at at cute looking house while walking and of course bumped into someone. "Entschuldigung, das tut mir leid." I said hurried but then it came to my mind that I just talked german and nobody here understood that. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you." I corrected but the woman I bumped in just laughed. "It's okay. Nothing happend, but was that just german you talked?" the woman asked. I nodded. "I'm from Austria and here with my brother." I explained. "So you must be Nika." the woman said knowingly. I was slightly confused why she knew my name. "I'm Sophia. I'm also an actress of Chicago PD." She said and together we went back to the set where we met my brother. "Oh I don't have to introduce you two any further." he smiled when he saw us. "No it's quite obvious that she's your girlfriend." I said with a smile. They both looked at me. "How...?" they said simultaneously. I laughed. "Oh come on. First I'm your sister and second I'm a girl. I know such things when I see them." We all laughed. "Are you coming over for dinner tonight?" I asked Sophia. I immediately liked her when I bumped into her. She was so nice and open minded. Sophia looked at Jesse. "I can if you want." I nodded. "Yeah and I'm gonna cook!" I said with a grin. "Oh then of course I have to." laughed Sophia. Yes, I liked her very very much!

They finished filming the action scenes and Patrick did't promise too much. The scenes were quite promising and I made a quiet note to watch the episode when they were coming on TV...

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