11. This

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Song: This by Ed Sheeran

"So," Victor says after a few minutes. His fingers tap against the steering wheel, rhythmically. "Can you fill me in on what just happened?"

I lean my head back against the seat, letting out a long, heavy sigh. "Just the usual chaos."

"But, what did you mean when you said that Elijah almost slept with his ex last night?" He asks, curiously.

I glance over to him, taking in his strong jawline and firm, broad shoulders. My stomach flips a little at the sight of how handsome he is. Focus, I tell myself. Now is not the time. "The other morning, he told me that we were going to go on a date. I told him I'd go. I mean, we're married. I at least need to try and make it work. Well, he goes to work, and the evening rolls around. He isn't home by the time he said he would be. I waited for a while. Then, I waited for a while longer. He wouldn't answer any of my texts. I thought he was just working late. I was already dressed, so I figured why not take him some dinner since we can't go out to eat? I headed to his office, picking up food on the way, and when I walked in, I saw his secretary straddling him. They were making out, and he was nearly half undressed. I just sat the food on his desk and left. I didn't know what else to do. I can't get mad. We aren't really together. Then again, he told me that nothing was going on between them, but he left out that she is his ex-girlfriend."

When I finish ranting, all Victor can do is stare at the road wide-eyed, gripping the steering wheel. I worry that if he squeezes it any tighter, it will snap. After a moment, he finally speaks through gritted teeth. "If Jazz and Abby didn't need me right now, I'd turn this damn car around and kick the shit out of him."

I shake my head, letting my eyes fall to the floorboard. "Don't," I reply. "It'll only make things worse. This is just something that I need to deal with on my own."

We pull into the hospital parking lot. Victor drives around searching for a parking space as he speaks. "I know. I guess I just hate to see someone I care about so upset."

I glance over to him as the car stops. "What about you? Are you OK?"

Our eyes meet, and I see his jaw tighten. "Yea," he says, quietly. "I'm fine."

We hold each other's stare for a moment, and I can tell that he is fighting back tears. My heart hurts at the sight of this, and I reach out for his hand, taking it into mine. "She's going to be OK, Victor. She's a tough kid. She'll pull through."

He nods slowly, as if trying to convince himself. "I know. It's just so scary to think that my Jazz could-" His voice trails off, shaking harder with every word. I watch as he squeezes his eyes shut, causing a tear to escape and roll down his cheek.

"Hey, it's OK," I say soothingly as I wipe the tear away. "I know. It's horrible to think about." I position myself sideways to where I'm on my knees in the passenger seat, and I lean in to hug him. Automatically, his warm arms wrap around me, pulling me into him tightly as he lets out another shaky sigh, laced with emotion. I close my eyes, breathing in the smell of his cologne as he hugs me back.

"Thank you," he says softly after a moment.

"For what?" I ask, nuzzling into his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his body a little too much.

He lets out a short, quiet, laugh, trying to cover up the tears in his voice. "For being here."

I think for a moment as we stay in this position for a little bit longer. I can't really find the words to respond. Everything that I can say to him has already been said, but it feels like there is still more that I could do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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