6. Apologies

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Song: Sorry- Halsey

I go straight home, feeling awkward after the short phone conversation with Victor. 'Talk to you later, Sexy.' His words ring in my ear, raising the hairs on the back of my neck. He has some nerve, talking so flirty even though he knows I'm married.

I let out a heavy sigh, trying to pull myself away from my deep thoughts as I stare up at the little T.V, in the kitchen. I mimic the chef's motions on the screen, shredding the cheese just as they do. Once I finish that, I set it aside, and chop up a few different things for the dish. After getting it into the oven, I walk over to set the table, and then I rush upstairs to take a quick shower before the food is finished.

After throwing on some sweatpants and a tank top, I make my way back downstairs and flip the T.V. in the kitchen over to a music channel. I begin to sway and hum, washing the dishes, but a few moments later, when I feel a pair of large hands grip my hips, I nearly scream in surprise.

"Why did you accuse me of cheating with my secretary today?" I hear Eli ask right against my ear.

I tense, sitting the dish I was in the middle of washing down. "You scared me," I exclaim.

"Answer my question," he commands with an edge to his voice.

I wiggle my hips from his hands, turning to face him, and in an instant, he has me lifted and sat on the counter, causing my legs to dangle on either side of him. I stare at him, startled as his arms wrap around my waist. "What are you doing?" I ask, confused.

As I lean back a little, he frowns. "Why do you think I'm cheating with Tonya, Ellie?"

I purse my lips, thinking for a moment. "Is it really even cheating?" As I ask this, my mind flashes to Victor at the park today. Did I cheat by unintentionally sending him mixed signals?

Eli's face darkens. "What do you mean? Of course it is. Why would I cheat on you though?"

My forehead creases as I try to answer his questions so that he will drop this. "Tonya is really pretty," I mumble. "And you see her at work everyday. She was leaned over your desk in that low top, giggling and batting her lashes at you. How could you not be attracted to her?" I pause for a moment, thinking of the right words. "And as far as why you would cheat on me goes, why wouldn't you? It's not like you actually want to be with me. We were forced together, and it's totally obvious that you aren't happy about that nearly every time we are together."

Eli's firm expression begins to soften as he holds my gaze for another moment, and then his eyes fall. "I guess I could understand why you would feel that way, then. I haven't given you a reason to feel any differently. I'm sorry." The tone of his voice surprises me. It actually sounds sincere, tinted with sadness.

Before I can respond, he pulls me down from the counter, placing me back onto my feet, and then he turns to walk away. "Hey," I call, confused. "Where are you going? Dinner is almost ready."

He glances over his shoulder to me. "I was started as lead of a new project for work. I need to work on a presentation for tomorrow morning. Just leave me some leftovers in the fridge."

My face falls. "I have to eat alone, again?" I ask, quietly.

"Yea," Eli says, sighing as he begins to walk away. "Sorry."


I hang up my cell, pressing the end button just after Reyna has said goodbye to me. I had told her about the whole day, and it was obvious that she was overwhelmed by all of the detail that I had thrown in. She was freaking out. She's not the only one.

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