"How was your day?" He asked for the further conversation.

"Just like as usual. What about you?" I shook my shoulders.

"Same here. The all pressure of office." He said with a tired sigh.

"So you do job?" I asked.

"Not really. I am a businessman, millions of people do job under my company." He said with a smirk.

"Wow!" I was amused.

This much success in this age, very impressive!

"What about you, job or still studying?" He asked.

"I am a college student, now in final year." I smiled.

"Good. Any future plan?" He asked.

I turned my face from him, looked at the garden and said, "Hmm, still now after graduation I want to do job in a company."

"Nice. You can join my company also!" He said with a casual smile.

"Woah, thanks for the the offer hanh!" I turned my face and smirked at him.

"My company is always open for a beautiful and talented girl like you." He said with a grin on his handsome face.

"Haha.." I laughed out, "You have really a good sense of humour." I kept laughing.

"At least my words put a smile on your face." He smiled brightly.

"Yeah, thank you so much for that." I said with a big smile on my face.

"You are most welcome my lady." He bowed his head putting a big smile on his face.

I laughed at his acts.

He is really cute.

I looked at the sky suddenly, it became dark. I checked my watch, it was showing 6:30pm.

Time to return home.

"I should go now. It is late now." I stood up from the beach.

"Yeah. Good bye. Take care." He said smilelingly.

"Bye. Dear new friend." I smiled at him.

"Friend!?" He asked amused and shocked.

"Yeah. Friends." I smiled at him extended my hand for a handshake.

"Yeah, friends forever?" He asked with hesitation.

"Hm, friends forever." I assured him.

"Okies!" He shook my hand with his hands excitedly and with a big bright smile on his handsome face, as if he got something very precious.

He is really adorable.

I smiled at his act.


"Sharanya please try to understand, Vyom is the best for you. He will make you happy in every way. Please say yes for this wedding." Mom again said.

"Sorry mom, my decision is never going to change." I said with a smile and got up from the chair. We were on the dinning room having our dinner. I finished mine so I got up.

"Sharanya, Listen to me!" Mom said with angry voice.

"Suman, please stop this for now." Dad said this to my mom.

"Ram, why can't you understand..."

I walked out from there as I am not interested in this daily basis melodrama.

I should cut the T.V. connection. These Indian melodramatic serials are eating  my mom's brain. Bloody rubbish.

I came to my room. It was my daily routine at dinning table. But today there was a difference. Unlike other days today I was not irritated by my mom's words. I was smiling, it seemed really funny.

My mood was really good.

Is it all because of you, Mr Shiv Khanna?

The thought of Shiv brought a big smile on my face.

I went near my balcony and opened the door. I stepped out on the balcony.

The night sky was really beautiful. The whole hilly area was really clam and peaceful. Darkness was surrounded all over the mountains. Today there was no moon on the sky; only the stars were shining on the dark sky. Cold wind were blowing and touching my face. My hair was blowing with the rhythm of the wind.

I was reviving the time with Shiv which again brought a big smile on my face.

What have you done with me Mr Shiv Khanna!?

I kept staring at the starry sky put the smile on my face.

Friends forever...!


Hey guys, it is the next chapter of this story. I hoped you have enjoyed it. Sorry for the late, some work has come up. Now I am free so just updated it. ☺
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Love you all

I AM YOURS FOREVER ShivAnya/ShiVik Fanfiction (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें