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TITLE : Fraud! *
OC NAME(S) : Lakshmi Madan*
OC FACE-CLAIM(S) : Deepika Padukone*

TITLE : Fraud! *SEASON : TBD / AULOVE INTEREST : Rosa DiazOC NAME(S) : Lakshmi Madan*OC FACE-CLAIM(S) : Deepika Padukone*

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"Con - artist? That's just degrading. I prefer to be known as the smartest person in the room."


Lakshmi Madan was no stranger to deception. In fact, it played a very important part in her job.

She was a con - artist. Her objective in life and method of earning money was fooling and deceiving the gullible and naïve. And in the entirety of her life she had never been put in jail ― the woman just her had ways of getting out of trouble.

But once, when she goes the Nine-Nine precinct (and wriggles her way out of an arrest) she hears that they're going after dangerous and cruel serial killer, Roy Bennet*. The same one that had killed her sister a few years back.

The only problem? They had no proper clues, leads or witnesses.

So Lakshmi (out of pity and a drive for vengeance) decides to help them.

"Why the hell would we let you help us? A literal criminal. Why would you want to help us anyways. Some sort of selfish motive, huh?"

"Sweetheart, you have absolutely nothing to begin with. You need me way more that I need this."


- the oc doesn't have to be indian but would be nice to see some indian ocs

- if you want to change the name, face claim or just need help writing an indian oc, you can ask me for help ( i'm indian). i hate it when people write stereotypical poc characters.


- she often says things that people do not understand and she has to simplify it for them.

- she's extremely straightforward and terrible at lying unless it's for her job

- when she first goes to the precinct she reads everybody and makes an assumption about their personalities (and the assumptions are all correct.)

- let's play a game,,,, you can guess which character she's talking about :
"man-child with daddy issues that would flirt with anything that breathes.''

" textbook perfectionist who strives to get validation from people she respects and wants to make sure she is in control at all times."

"raging leather jacket bisexual who probably owns an axe and wouldn't hesitate to cut you."

"gyming and family oriented hetero."

"foodie hetero."

she probably can't get a read on holt.

- she fidgets a lot (tapping of feet, playing with some stationery constantly)

- she's a disaster queer

- she flirts shamelessly with rosa but not intentionally,,,, it's because she can't keep her mouth shut or lie about anything. so keep the compliments very very honest and kind of like:

"You're good at your job and I'm extremely attracted to you right now. And generally."


"You have really nice eyes and I kinda want to kiss you."

- rosa flirts with her too,,, it's similar because rosa's quite stiff and honest too.

- she gets along super well with gina,,,, a true power duo? we vote yes.

( plot by moonlightremus / snow)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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