"Oh, well, that's alright then...anyway, that all sounds fun, but you should be careful next time, yes?"  he was already working on my food.

"Oh yes, yes sir...I've learned my lesson..be careful when tree climbing, and wear gloves when practicing, so I don't get bruises."

"Very good"  He smiled at me.  "Now, here's your food, and because I'm feeling generous, here's a free bevvy."

"You mean a soda?"

"Right, a bevvy...a beverage, y'know?"

"Oh, I see..well thank you very much for the "bevvy", and I hope you have a wonderful day."

"Thank you, you as well dear."  He waved to me.  "I hope your hands get better soon..."

"Thank you, sir."

He nodded at me, and I smiled once more before turning around and walking away.

I ate my food sitting at a nearby bench, giving myself  a break from all that walking.  The food was good and all, but I had to wait to eat it, because it was hot, and my hands just can't take the heat.  After waiting about 3 minutes, I ate the fish, and then the chips.  Very delicious, that's all I have to say...When I finished eating, I drew in my journal, the places I haven't drawn in yet, like the restaurants, shops, and cafe's, along with other little spots.  When I was done with that, cleaned my hands, as slowly and carefully as humanely possible, then I went to go throw  the trash away, and I was off once again, doodling in my journal and every once in a while stopping to get a good look around me...

I could see the greenery of the nearby park from about a third of a mile away, which, to me, is pretty cool.  The park looked very nice, but it was so far away, and I've been walking for about 2 and a half hours, and I couldn't possibly walk anymore, for any longer, so I stopped in a nearby alley.  Why an alley?  Because 3 people have noticed my hands, and I'm getting tired of telling them the same old lie, because I've been forgetting some parts I'm supposed to be saying...Also, I'm getting hot walking around for so long, and it looks much cooler in its shade, and perhaps it will be quieter.  God knows I need some quiet with the throbbing headache I have.  

I peaked inside the alley, to make sure it wasn't too creepy, or damp, but no...the sunlight didn't shine in, but TRUST ME...it was light enough to believe you were in the den at home.  I sat down  in a corner at the dead end of the alley, just so I can rest my head somewhere.  It was so cool and quiet in this alley, it was EXACTLY what I needed...I started to get drowsy from the heat, along with my travels, and the sleepiness began to over come me, making my movements slower, my headed bobbing to the side, to rest against the wall, and my eyelids getting heavy (I already took off my glasses)...Yeah, I really needed a nap, some relaxation, some me time...It's alright, I'll be alright, I've made it this far, and nothing will stop me from surviving, nothing will bring me down, I've got this...And with those last thoughts, I drifted off into a much needed sleep.

Rustling.  Footsteps.  Talking.  No, Arguing.  My arm moves, but I am not the one moving it...This is what awakes me...

What is going on?!!  Am I dreaming?  I think to myself.

I open my eyes slowly.  I open them only to find 5 guys in front of me arguing about I don't really know what.

They each had a black ski mask on, but they were all around the same height...although one of them, as far as I could tell (I can't see that far, because I don't have my glasses on) seemed to be taking big dinosaur steps, because, from where I sat, it looked like he needed glasses, because he couldn't see well...I don't know, either that or something going on in this guy's crotch, or he has some issues...by the way they sounded, they were definitely from Liverpool, but they were not men, but rather teenage boys, much older then me I'm guessing...

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