cold brew

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"No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee's frothy goodness." - Sheik Abd-al-Kabir

I took a long shower and changed into my pajamas before unmaking my bed. It was a about eleven- thirty when my phone rang. I had forgot Lev said he would call me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, I'm home now and comfy in bed. How about you?"

"Yep same here," I reached to the floor and grabbed my stuffed whale that I always had in my bed. I turned my phone on speaker and laid it on the pillow next to me. Then, I tossed the whale to the air making it do a flip.

"Did you enjoy tonight?" Lev asked.

"Yes definitely," I smiled and continued to throw my whale.

"So, would you like to maybe go on a more official date?"

I blushed and replied, "Yeah, that would be great."


"Good." We sat in another comfortable silence for a minute. I closed my eyes and smiled. Lev actually was interested in me. I couldn't get over that fact.

"You know what we should do?"

"What?" I asked.

"We should play truth or dare," he proclaimed.

Fun fact about me: I love truth or dare. I used to play it all the time when I was younger. My friends used to always dare me to kiss boys and I would always refuse and loose the game. If some one dared me today to kiss a boy, I wouldn't loose that game.

"On the phone?" I had, however, never played on the phone.

"Yep, I'll go first. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I replied. How bad could it be?

"Do you like anyone right now?"

Just kidding it was bad. Should I say yes? I don't have to tell him who I could just say yes. "Uh um yes?" I hesitated.

"Really? Who?" he prompted.

"I only have to answer yes or no. You didn't ask who I liked only if I liked anyone," I replied smugly.

"What?! No that's not fair," he exclaimed.

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Okay, okay my turn. Truth or dare?" I questioned.


"What is your secret obsession?"

"How do you know I have a secret obsession?" he chuckled.

"Everyone does! Now answer."

"Fine...uh okay so I like...Care Bears," he answered nervously.

"Care Bears?" I laughed.

"Yep Brave Heart Lion is my favorite one."

"You're hilarious," I giggled.

"I know right."

"Now you ask me," I replied.

"Truth or dare?" Lev asked slyly.

"Dare," I replied quickly and sat up in my bed to prepare myself.

"Oh snap uh I didn't even have a dare ready to say," Lev chuckled.

"Go on I'm listening," I teased.

"Fine...uh ya I dare you you have any siblings?" He stuttered.

"That sounds like a truth to me."

"Ah you're right! Okay I dare you to open your window and scream song lyrics."

"What song?" I challenged.

"We Are the Champions."

I leaped from my bed and threw open my window. Before yelling I whispered to Lev, "I hope you realize I'm overcoming all my shyness to do this." Then I screamed, "We are the champions, my friends! And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end! We are the champions! No time for losers! Cause we are the champions of the world!"

Both Lev and I couldn't stop laughing. What do I have to say about our date? I have never felt more brave.

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