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"Do you know how helpless you feel if you have a full cup of coffee in your hand and you start to sneeze?" - Jean Kerr

"You want to know a secret?" Lev chuckled as he started the car.

"Sure," I grinned and buckled my seat belt.

"I'm really nervous," Lev's cheeks reddened slightly.

"Don't be," I giggled. Lev smirked and flipped on the radio, some random Adele song was playing. I could hear Lev humming slightly. I smiled at the thought that he liked Adele. I also smiled because he was just as nervous as I was.

"You look nice by the way," Lev mentioned before turning into the bowling alley.

"Thank you," I replied nervously.

Time slowed down as we headed into the bowling alley. We kept stealing glances at each other. We walked in sink. Our arms bumped each other; I shivered.

Everyone has those day dreams when they have a crush. The ones where you imagine the perfect little scenarios that will probably never happen. Mine came true.

As Lev and I reached the door, he grabbed my hand. My stomach flipped and I couldn't stop smiling. Then, Lev let go. He opened the bowling alley door for me and we entered.

The bowling alley's blue glowing neon lights almost blinded me. After my eyes adjusted, I was able to see Lev grinning and holding out his hand for me to grab it. I grabbed it without a second thought.

"When's the last time you went bowling?" Lev asked as we headed to grab our bowling shoes.

Crap. I had to come up with a lie for that one. I couldn't tell him the last I went bowling was when I was little and I cried. "Uh it's been a while. Maybe like a couple months ago?"

Lev chuckled, "I guess we know who's winning tonight." I smiled and nodded.

We made to the bowling shoe counter. I was luckily proud of my shoe size. It was only a seven; it's the average size.

"I'll take a nine. What shoe size do you need, May?" Lev said politely to the woman at the counter.

"Seven," I replied and Lev handed me the shoes.

"Lane thirteen guys," the lady smiled as Lev handed her the money for the bowling.

"Thank you," I said to Lev. He had paid for both of us, after all.

"Of course," Lev replied.

I sat on the lane bench and tied my bowling shoes. Lev entered our initials into the score machine and put me as going first.

Great. Lev was such a nice guy that he was letting me go first. Now I was really nervous. I walked toward the racks of bowling balls. The lightest ball I could find was an eight pound bright pink one. I reached to grab it and found myself tripping over my shoe lace and falling to the ground. What a great way to start a date.

I felt I strong hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" Lev grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"Yeah I'm fine," I blushed and grabbed the ball from the rack.

Lev led me back to our lane and I stepped up and prepared to bowl. "Go May!" Lev chuckled.

I made my way up to the line and swung my arm back before releasing the ball. It went straight into the gutter. My ball came back and I went to the machine to grab it. I went back up to the line and bowled straight into the gutter again.

"Awe it's okay," Lev said as he grabbed his ball and headed up to take his turn. I quickly noticed his form was perfect. He rolled a strike.

This process continued for the next five turns; I rolled gutter balls and he rolled strikes. Let's just say it got really old. There's other cliché for you: the boy is better at sports than the girl (yes bowling is a sport).

"Hey, you wanna take a break? Get some nachos?" Lev suggested.

"Yeah! Actually that would be great," I replied gratefully.

We headed to the snack bar and I sighed, "I uh forgot to mention I suck at bowling."

"My parents are in a bowling league. It's totally embarrassing, but that's why I'm so good," Lev chuckled.

"That makes me feel better," I laughed.

We sat at a booth by the snack bar and Lev got us a large nacho with extra cheese. I took a deep breath and did my best to relax. Lev seemed to be having a good time; I didn't have a reason to be nervous anymore.

Lev came back to the booth with the nachos and handed me a napkins. He reached for a chip and then grinned, "You know I always thought you were so cute when I saw you everyday at the café."

"You noticed me everyday?" I grabbed a chip from the bowl.

"Why do you think I always went to Dream Land and ordered the same thing?" he replied.

"I just thought you liked the chai tea," I stammered.

"No, not really, I just really liked to see you," he smirked.

"Cheers," Lev held out his chip to mine. I held up my chip to touch his and we both popped our chips in our mouths.

We munched on our nachos in comfortable silence and decided to go ahead and not bowl another game, for my sake. I was a little disappointed the night was ending. Lev offered to take me home which I gratefully accepted since I didn't really have a ride.

Lev opened the car door for me and asked what music I preferred him to play. "Shawn Mendes is my favorite," I replied smiling.

"Awe classic choice," Lev pulled his phone into car and played "In My Blood". "Do you like this song?"

"I love it," I replied and turned towards Lev. "Thank you, I had a great time."

Lev nodded and when we hit a stoplight he leaned over to me. I looked at him confused. Then he slowly placed his lips to my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up and smiled. All I could think was wow.

Lev pulled up into my drive way. "Wanna come inside?" I asked him.

"Na, I better not. It's late. I'll call you though when I get home, ok?" Lev grinned and unbuckled my seatbelt for me.

"Ok," I blushed. I left Lev's car and waved as he drove away. I entered the house to find it empty. My parents were still out somewhere. I inched up to my room and fell on my bed.

Opening up my phone I noticed a text from Christopher:
From: Christopher
Hope u had fun with him tonight babe text me the details;)

I grinned and began to text him back, making sure to not leave not any details of the sensational night.

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