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"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
-Dave Barry

Since I've known Slate he's never had a girlfriend. Customers usually think he's my boyfriend. Actually a lot of people think we like each other. But, I don't like him that way and I don't think he feels like that either. After I was laying in his arms though, I felt differently.

I wondered what it would be like to date someone like Slate. Someone kind and thoughtful, who might actually have real feelings for me. Although, Lev would probably also make a good boyfriend. Except he did just punch me in the nose.

Blacking out was a knew experience for me. It wasn't a good one. Waking up I felt a warmth and a soft voice. "May? May? Please wake up." It sounded like Lev, not Slate. Maybe my feelings for him were making me hallucinate his voice.

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted my a terrible pain in my nose. It was throbbing. I noticed it wasn't Slate holding me, but it was Lev.

It didn't feel extravagant. When the person you have had feelings for forever holds you, you expect butterflies and endless emotions. I didn't feel it. But, I wanted to.

"Hey," I mumbled and lifted my hand to my head. Quickly Lev helped me up and stopping holding me. It was like he hadn't wanted to hold me at all.

I don't know why in one day everything became so complicated. I thought I knew my feelings, but I hadn't felt anything at all. All I wanted was to accepted by Lev, which I now believe is unachievable.

"You okay? I feel really bad about accidentally punching you," Lev seemed genuinely concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where's Slate?" I leaned against the table by where Lev had been holding me and felt myself shiver.

"I don't know... he was so upset... I feel terrible," he looked at the ground and put his hand over his eyes. I instantly felt bad.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault. Slate was just suddenly aggressive," I comforted. I told a step closer to him, away from the table.

"He cares about you; I can see it," Lev whispered and took a step closer to me. I could feel his breath, his warmth, I felt it.

"I don't like him that way," I whispered back and took another step closer.

"Do you like anyone?" Lev's forehead was almost touching mine.

"I'm not sure. I'm not sure about a lot of things." Lev put his hand against my cheek. I felt the butterflies now.

"I love your blue hair, it really suits you. I'm glad you're okay," he lifted his hand away from my face and took a step back. "I have to go." He gave me and smile and turned to walk out of the coffee shop.

I almost called him back. I almost asked him to stay for a chia tea. I didn't.

My interaction with Lev made me think. I instinctively called Christopher and asked him to the cafe. I had to tell him everything that had occurred to me.

I made us hot chocolates and set up a table by the front for us. I went ahead and closed up the cafe. Foot traffic was light today anyway and no one had entered since the incident.

I yawned and sipped on my hot cocoa. I was drained and my nose was swollen. Tiredly I pulled my phone out of my pocket and decided to send a quick text to Slate.

To: Slate
Hey what happened today??

From: Slate
What do u think

To: Slate
I really don't know

From: Slate
I can't tell u how sorry I am...

To: Slate
I think Lev likes me

Slate opened at 7:31

"Hey, hey, hey girl!" Christopher exploded into the cafe, wildly making his presents known. "Woo I think I can show you how to cover that nose with makeup by tomorrow." Christopher grinned and slid into the chair across from me.

"I want to get my ears pierced," I decided suddenly.

"What?" Christopher tilted his head.

"I think Lev likes me," I smiled, "I think I can really get him to notice me."

"Why do you feel such a need to be noticed by him?" Christopher told a long sip of hot cocoa and frowned at me.

"I don't. I just think it would be nice." 

"How about you explain to me everything that's happened to today first?" Christopher grinned.

So, I told him the whole, long, terrible story. By the end, he was in shock. The whole Slate going crazy thing really struck him. Slate was a really chill guy so it's understandable.

"Woah, girl, just woah! You have two hotties after you! At the same time!" Christopher clapped his hands.

"What do you mean?" I was genuinely confused by Christopher's comment.

"May! It's so obvious! Slate likes you too," Christopher grinned.

It took me a minute to understand what Christopher said. Slate likes me? I mean it makes sense, but still.

"What am I supposed to do?" I sighed.

"Go after your man!" Christopher yelled and pumped his fist in the air.

"Which man?" I mumbled.

"The one you like, duh!" Christopher grinned.

I hadn't closed up the café in a very long time. It was always Slate; a lot of things were Slate. Had me changing myself truly hurt him?

It was strange to think that yesterday I was one person and now I feel like a different one. I guess that's kinda how life works. Nothing is coherent.

Christopher gave me a ride home and on the way I looked on Pinterest at earrings. I had never gotten my ears pierced before. I just never had gotten around to it. Now some nice hoops were just what I needed.

I twirled my blue hair into a messy bun as Christopher caught me up on celebrity gossip. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even notice when Christopher asked me a question.

"Is this really what you want?"

The question told me by surprise and I didn't know how to answer. I didn't know what I wanted anymore. I don't think I ever did.

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