Logan knew Polina always wondered how having a soulmate felt, but as Logan has been passing hers every single day, Logan felt as though Polina wasn't really missing out on much.

"Will you at least go to prom? For me?" Polina put down her blush brush and pouted at Logan, who rolled her eyes, unable to resist that face.



"Bro, she's going to be at prom."

"You've said that generally same sentence for the past twelve years," Daniel rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Well, yeah, but she's going to prom," Jonah enthused.

"How do you know it's a she?"

"I've walked past her," Jonah said simply.

He'd known for a while now. He'd ruled out almost all the girls that went to his school.

The only girl left was Logan Avery.

He'd seen her during lunch, in his English class, cheering on the baseball team— he just couldn't get enough of staring at his soulmate. However, whenever Daniel or the others in his small friend group asked him why he didn't introduce himself, he didn't have an answer.

Every time he saw her, his words stuck in his throat and he was stuck admiring her and wishing that she was his. Then reality would hit and he would beat himself up for missing another day of his life he could've spent with Logan.

And each day, he would promise himself, Tomorrow.

"Bro, you knew who she was this entire time yet you didn't say a word to her?" Daniel asked incredulously. Jonah's face gave him his answer.

"Well, you don't have to wait until college," Daniel grumbled, staring at his own timer. Jonah had already heard Daniel's complaints: he wouldn't meet his soulmate until senior year of college.

"But Avery R.," Jonah pointed out, referring to Daniel's date to prom.

"She isn't meeting her soulmate until next year," Daniel said, tying his blue tie. "Anyways, she's just a friend."

Jonah checked his timer. 00:00:00:3:46:32. Just under four hours left. He wouldn't meet her until prom was well underway.

"You coming or not?" Daniel asked, peering from around the doorframe. Jonah sighed and got up, barely concealing a wide grin as he and Daniel clattered down the stairs to prom.


Logan nervously flaunted the red dress that Polina had just forced her into. It had wide spaghetti straps, a vague sweetheart neckline, and a ruffled skirt. To go with it, Polina had borrowed her mom's plain red high heels and had added a thin black choker and a pair of diamond studs, finishing off Logan's look with a quick bit of makeup and some rings.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," Logan muttered.

"You're doing it," Polina responded. "It's written in your destiny. Your timer will hit zero tonight, I'm sure of it."



Jonah could feel his heartbeat hammering in his chest.

Daniel had apparently decided to go fifteen minutes early, meaning that he was about to meet Logan in two hours and roughly fifteen minutes.

He wondered what he'd say and do once he finally talked to her. He wondered what her reaction would be when she found out he was her soulmate.

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