Sky, the oldest of the girls, answered anyway. 

"We don't want to be vampires. We don't want to have to kill innocent people to survive. Plus, we don't want to follow the Original Hybrid, and do as he says. We want the freedom to do as we please."

Elizabeth grinned.

"Being a vampire is so much more fun!" she exclaimed. "And as for killing people... You'll get over it. Besides, it's more fun then you think." she said, grinning. The girls just looked at her in disgust as she pushed them back into the clearing. 

All three boys lay on the ground dead, and Klaus was sitting by the campfire, waiting for the girls. He was pouring blood into 6 different cups, presumably for each werewolf. The girls started to struggle as they walked into the clearing, knowing what was about to happen. 

Klaus looked up and smiled. He rushed over to the group of girls. The three werewolves shrunk back from him as he appeared in front of them. Elizabeth smiled. Klaus placed a quick kiss on her lips, which she returned. The werewolves shuddered at the intimacy between the two.

Klaus turned to the werewolves and grinned.

"Alright, loves. Who's first?" he asked. The girls all stepped back. Elizabeth and Klaus both chuckled. Elizabeth turned to look at Klaus.

"Do her first. I might have broken her wrist, and we want that to heal." she said, pointing at Tanya. Klaus grinned at her, and walked towards Tanya.

Tanya turned to run, but Klaus was quicker. He grabbed her neck, and forced his wrist in her mouth, forcing blood to trickled down her throat. She tried to fight, but after a few moments of his blood running down her throat, he stepped back, twisting his wrist and breaking her neck. She fell to the ground, lifeless.

The other two girls gasped, tears filling their eyes as they saw their friend killed. Elizabeth just watched with an emotionless face.

Klaus turned to look at the remaining two.

"Who's next?" he asked, just as a gasp filled the campsite.

Ralph sat up, gulping in air, and looking around frantically. When he saw the bodies of his friends, he gasped. Klaus chuckled, causing Ralph to whip his head and glare at him.

"What have you done?" he growled.

"They will awake soon. You are all in transition - well, all but these two lovely ladies." Elizabeth said, motioning to Kylie and Sky. Ralph gulped, glancing at Klaus for confirmation. Klaus grinned, then walked over to log where the cups of blood sat. He walked over to Ralph, who stepped back and put his hands up.

"Come on, mate." Klaus said, trying to hand him the cup again. Ralph glared and refused to take the cup.

"You have to drink that, or you will die." Elizabeth chimed from where she stood by the girls, who were watching Ralph wearily. Ralph stood, looking undecided.

"Drink it." Sky finally said, looking at Ralph. Ralph looked over at her questioningly.

"You will die if you don't. Just do it." she said. Ralph nodded at her, and took the cup. He looked into it hesitantly, then closed his eyes, and drank the blood.

He coughed and dropped the cup to the ground, following it down as he convulsed and coughed, seemingly in pain. Klaus and Elizabeth watch on indifferently, while the two girls watched in horror.

"Ralph!" Kylie screamed, as he growled. He lifted his head to show fangs and yellow eyes. Klaus smiled.

"Welcome to the army, mate." Klaus said. One girl looked at Ralph in sadness, while one looked on with fascination.

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