"Are you okay, Nana?" Zane asked, craning his neck to try and see her.

"Y-yea, I'm fine," she stuttered out, sweat dripping for her head.

"How many times has that happened?" Zane asked, sitting on the floor and leaning his head up against the bars.

Kawaii~Chan turned over on her back, silent tears coming out of her closed eyes. "Too many to count," she whispered.

She heard a slight clicking noise, then another. She opened her eyes and saw Zane standing over her, holding a slightly rusted silver key

"Let's get out of here," he said, extending his hand. Kawaii~Chan took it, standing up and embracing him.

"Thank you," she whispered into his ear.

Zane's entire face turned the shade of a raging fire. "Uh, yo-you're welcome," He quickly pushed her off and cleared his throat. "We should get the others out,"

Kawaii~Chan smiled. "Yea, that sounds like a good plan," Then, her expression turned into confusion. "How did you get those?" she asked.

Zane twirled them on his finger, "Nabbed them off the guard," he said.

"No! No! No!" Ein yelled, pacing in front of where Aphmau was restrained, her wedding dress slipped onto her. It was a slim white dress with a sweetheart neckline that went down way too low, and was supposed to go down her her ankles. But, like many of the dresses, it was too long to fit Aphmau short body figure.

"It needs to be shorter!"Ein yelled at the werewolf who was making alterations to the dress. She quickly bunched it up and put a pin in it, so that it went up to her knees.

"Perfect," Ein said in a creepy voice, "Make it like that, the wedding is in three days!" He watched as the werewolf dressed Aphmau in her usual dress, still keeping her in her restraints.

Aphmau eyed Ein with a look of pure disgust and hatred as the cord was wrapped around her waist. "I hate you," she said.

Instantly, Ein was looming over her, his hand gripping her face. "Is that any way to talk to your future husband?" he bellowed at her, throwing her back to the ground. Her right eye collided with the floor.

"Boy, do try to act a little more mature," Michael said, coming to stand in the doorway of the room. He was in his old own body now. He had tanned skin and black hair, and his usual bright green eyes. He had a beard that matched his hair exactly and grew out to about an inch. He was wearing a loose fitting, black shirt and and green pair of pants, black, pointed shoes on his feet.

"She was sassing me and I'm not gonna put up with that," Ein growled, turning to face Michael, "She needs to start working on her act before the wedding in two days," He watched as Aphmau was taken back to her cell, a dark bruise forming on her eye.

Her guard walked with her down towards the cells, ready to throw her back in, but stopped when he saw the other gods leaving out of the door that led to the one to go outside. The gods all froze before Kawaii~Chan frantically pushed everyone else out of the door. Before she could go through herself, she felt the guard grab her around the waist and began to tug.

"Nana!" Zane yelled, going back and pulling on her arm, but the guard was too strong. They locked eyes and Kawaii~Chan silently slipped him something and let herself be taken.

Zane screamed and tried to go back for her, but Garroth quickly grabbed him around the waist and ran out the door with him over his shoulder. Struggling was useless, with Garroth being the God of Power and all, but that didn't stop Zane from trying. He slammed his fists into Garroth's back and struggled to get out of his grasp. He didn't stop until Garroth put him down a ways away from the palace.

"Zane, stop!" he yelled as Zane began to cry, "What did she give you?" Zane looked down at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand and unfolded it. It was a crudely drawn map of the palace that showed where they could find the camp she had made with Katelyn.

 It was a crudely drawn map of the palace that showed where they could find the camp she had made with Katelyn

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"The camp," Zane choked out, looking it over. His fingers traced over Kawaii~Chan's loopy handwriting as he looked towards where she was talking about. He could she the patch of woods, knowing that that was the way to go. He stood up, ready to go and caught a glimpse of Aaron.

His fists were clenched as he looked towards the palace, where many guards were coming out of. Angry tears were beginning to form in his eyes as they turned red. He was trying to keep himself from going back and getting Aphmau.

Zane walked up to him and looked him dead in the eyes. "We'll get them back," he said, his voice taking on a hard tone. Aaron nodded, the red never fading from his eyes.

Zane took a deep breath and turned around to address the group. "Kawaii~Chan gave me a map," he said to them, "I know where the camp is. We can go there and get help to free Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan from Michael. But we have to do it in two days."

"Katelyn already knows about what's going on," Lucinda piped up from where she was standing, "I messaged her and managed to tell her,"

Zane nodded and swiftly turned towards the forest. "Let's go, then,"

(Sorry for the picture quality, I don't have a webcam)

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