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I googled the meanings
And well, there were a lot
They say a sweet, adorable, and a sensitive guy
And you are exactly one
They say it's a cigarette
And if you were I'd smoke you all day
You're dangerous, yet lovely
Even if you hurt, I enjoy you
They say it's a cuss, like the word Jackass
And it's true, sometimes you are one
It also means a phone
And I'd use you all day
No wonder why
Your energy's so low
It is to stab
You once were, and once did
It is to steal
What you did to my heart
It is to punch
The fights you always got into
And they weren't just random
They were all for me
There are multiple definitions
Of the name Jack 
But darling you are
my favourite of all

- I'll just name the character Mercy since I can't think of a name and again it's about Jack, the writer of painters and people change. He's probably the main character of this whole book.

Magnificent Water | | Short PoetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora