He held the door open for me as I walked in and sat on a chair. I then watched him slowly shut the door, then heard him lock it, which was strange.

"Umm I'm not being rude or anything, but why did you lock it?" I asked a little nervously.

He continued to stand there facing the door not moving. But then he started laughing evilly, sending chills down my spine, and turned around facing me.

His laughing stopped and he stood there staring at me...or more like glaring.

My heart started racing as I continued sitting there feeling uneasy. "What did you want to ask me?" I asked nervously.

He smirked," So did you enjoy killing my cousin?" He asked pacing back in forth in front of the door.

"What?" I asked confusingly. He stopped and glared at me," I said did you enjoy killing my COUSIN?" He asked through gritted teeth.

I gulped," No I didn't and it was an accident."

"Nothing's an accident." He said.

"Sir if you're not gonna ask me why he did what he did instead of asking weird questions, I'm gonna leave." I was fixing to leave, but was stopped when he pulled out his gun. " you're not leaving just yet." He said pointing the gun at me, " I have more things to talk to you about."

I stared at the gun and looked at him," like what?" I asked.

"Like why did you kill him? I know Ash had a few loose screws, but you didn't have to kill him. He was just having some fun." He said as he continued pacing back and forth again.

Is he serious!?

I got a little pissed off, " If that's what Ash and you call fun, then you're just as crazy as him!" I snapped.

He slammed his hands on the table, " I am not crazy and neither was Ash!" He yelled.

I flinched at his outburst, but tried remaining calm. "Just what is it that you want?" I asked while searching the room for a weapon, but then saw the emergency button by the bed.

Still pacing he smiled, " I want you and your slut of a girlfriend dead. For killing my dear cousin."

I was angry now after he called Spencer a slut, " what did you just call her?" I asked angrily.

He walked over to me smirking and bent down in front of me still pointing the gun at me," I called her a slut." That's it. Then in seconds I hit the gun out of his hand then punched him in the face.

He moved back holding his cheek, so I used this time to quickly get up from my seat and headed for the emergency button, but was stopped. "Oh no you don't!" He said while grabbing me from behind.

I tried squirming out of his grip, but it was no use he was too strong. I then stopped and remembered he wasn't holding onto my hands. Bad idea. I then head butted him in the face with the back of my head then grabbed his dick with both my hands and yanked hard causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

I then ran and pressed the emergency button and quickly found the gun and picked it up.

"Don't move, I said pointing the gun at him, the other cops and doctors will be here any second now."

He slowly stood up and laughed at me, "what are you going to say them when they get here huh? That I brought you in here for questioning, but you got angry and stole my gun and now pointing it at me?" He does have a point.

I started lowering the gun down, thinking, but that was a bad idea. He took that chance to run and charge at me, but I quickly raised the gun back up and shot him three times in the chest.

He then fell on top of me causing me to fall down. Gosh he's heavy.

I then heard banging on the door and in comes cops. They quickly ran to me taking the dead body off of me and took him away.

Once he was gone they then proceed to ask me questions.

I told them everything including the things about Ash and what all he did. They then told me that I wouldn't be sent to jail since what I did to the cop was in self defense and that there was cameras in all the rooms that saw everything.

I nodded my head and they escorted me out of the room back to my room.

"Allie, you're ok!" A voice said. I looked up and saw Spencer sitting up in her bed. I smiled and walked to her, sitting by her on the bed and giving her a big hug. I just want to hold her like this forever.

I let go and looked at her, "I'm fine," I answered, "but more importantly, how are you feeling?"

She looked down and messed with her blanket, "still a little traumatized, but I'll get better as long as you'll be with me." She said softly and blushing.

I smiled, but it quickly vanished when I looked into her eyes and still saw uneasiness in her them," I'm so sorry." I told her as my eyes started watering. "This is all my fault."

She sat there still staring into my eyes, then slowly leaned towards me and softly gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Like I said before, I forgive you.... I've been thinking about it and knew keeping what Ash, did to me, a secret from me was just your way of protecting me.... so I forgive you." She then smiled an assuring smile and gave me a kiss on the lips.

I kissed her back wrapping my arms around her, then stopped and looked into her eyes, " I promise, from now on I won't let anything happen to you again." She smiled and kissed me again. "Allie Cowell..... I love you." She said blushing.

I blushed too then placed my forehead against hers, looking deeply into her eyes, " Spencer Davis, I love you even more."

We then kissed again passionately and continued to lay in bed holding each other not letting go, until morning came along.

We've been through a lot together, but no matter what happens, as long as we love each other and never give up on one another, nothing can stop us.

She's my everything now and I will always be there to protect her.



Hey guys, just a heads up, I will be writing a epilogue for this story so technically this isn't the end. Anyways I'm sorry if this chapter has any mistakes and errors, this app or my phone has been a little glitchy on me lately and I haven't been able to change most of my mistakes. I guess I have to update the app or something.

Back to what I was saying. If you like my story and want to comment or have any questions about anything feel free to ask. Also you should leave a vote , I mean if you want lol.
*whispering* you should.

Peace out!!!

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