"We were just about to call the doctor." Dad spoke and she smiled at him.

"Doctor O'Brien sent me to check up on her. I'll just be as quick as possible." I remembered her voice earlier on when she calmed my nerves during my nauseous phase.

Oh... She was a Nurse.

If nurses were like this, then I'd feel slightly at peace in a hospital. While she examined and assessed me, she kept a smile on her face, I feared she'd be weary. It was a flattering smile that made her more welcoming.

"I'm so hungry for pizza but worried that I'm not permitted to eat it. Can I?" I whispered just as she scrawled on her notepad.

"Of course, you can! But let me get you a glass of water before eating. This helps for easier digestion." She said and I nodded.

She walked gracefully down the room and soon returned with a small cup of water. I received it, not without thanking her and then gobbled it up. I felt relieved but still thirsty and shyly requested for another cup of water which she smiled and delivered. After the second round, I heaved a sigh of contentment while she explained her examination to my parents who listened eagerly.

"The pizza delivery guy is on his way." Dad chanted after the nurse left.

"With extra cheese?" I asked hopefully.

"Just the way you like it." He replied with a grin.


Nibbling on my remaining slices of pizza and Pepsi, and almost satisfied, I joined the girls in watching some MTV base music videos. The TV which had been muted the whole time we had our mushy interactions became fascinating as I watched it for the first time ever. Justin Bieber's 'Sorry' music video was in tune. I knew a lot about Justin Bieber. I believed almost all the girls in high school had huge celebrity crushes on him. Some had even gotten married to him and had his babies in their heads. It was so bizarre when they fantasized about him. Ana and I scoffed each time his name was mentioned. Ana had always preferred Nick Jonas to him, she gushed over his beauty and masculinity. I had no idea who they both were so I only nodded and acted like I cared each time their names were mentioned. I tuned in as I watched the girls in the video dance to the beat of the music.

It was stellar!

They looked dashing and danced with so much vigour, I had to give the props to their choreographer. But there was no sign of Justin in this video. Anyways, that didn't stop me from enjoying it.

Woah... Seeing is so much fun!

The pizza almost slipped off my fingers as I gazed intently at the television. I decided to drop it off instead. I had reached my peak of satisfaction and eating further could make me upchuck.

As I placed the pizza, I was caught by the various shapes in front of me. It had a square shaped package or box, and before eating, I noticed the whole pizza was a medium sized circle, and each slice was a triangle. Three different shapes in one.


"Kids can we watch something more beneficial?" Mum inquired. My parents had been watching the TV mindlessly with us and conversed in between. They seemed bored. Most times, they glanced over my direction to see if I was fine and asked me a few questions about my well-being.

"What could be more beneficial than this?" Ana asked. She was testing mum's patience I could tell. Mum glared at her and she got the memo.

"What channel would you like?" Ana asked with a groan.

"CNN, BBC or any news broadcasting channel." Mum replied. Ana picked up the remote control which was on her laps and with a few clicks of the buttons, the station changed to something else. A young woman read the news and our attention switched to what she said. Mum and dad nodded time and again as though the reporter spoke specifically to them. It went on like this for over fifteen minutes.

"Ugh! This is so mind-numbing. No one gives a shit about the news. It sucks!" Ana moaned in displeasure.

"Stop swearing young lady. Where will we all be without the news? It's informative and highly educative. I bet if you decided to grow up for a second, you'll understand." Mum clapped back.

Uh-oh! This just got awkward!

I watched Ana roll her eyes before replying;

"Pardon my French Aunt Steph, but not everyone is as fucking perfect as you are." At this point, I knew Ana had a death wish. If she didn't, why else would she spit something this ridiculous?

"Ana you've taken this too far. She's your Aunt and an elder. Therefore, your apology is required right now." Dad ordered her. I watched as she tried speaking but shut her mouth, repeated the motion and then finally gave up.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. Mum only nodded and turned back to the reporter on the TV.

"Oh my goodness! Is my mind playing games with me or is this real?" Tess' voice filled with terror garnered out attention. Everyone turned to look at her and saw that she was actually referring to the TV. Our eyes immediately switched attention to it. It was still the same reporter and this time,
what seemed like a car was placed at a corner on the screen. It was a black car. I guess the news was related to the car and listened unwaveringly.

"Now on the local scene, the vehicle on the screen was found in the East River, beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, New York on the verge of sinking. Allegedly, the driver who hasn't been identified yet, lost control of the brake which resulted in the vehicle taking a detour and ended up in the large mass of water. This accident took place an hour ago. Some witnesses testified that the driver was arguably in the vehicle that resulted to his or her death. As a result of the heavy rainfall, they found it hard to clearly see the driver and the gender thereof. The car has since been retrieved but with no trace of the driver whom experts seem to believe either drowned or was eaten by some wild beasts of the sea, although the former is highly placed into consideration. Further investigation and finger prints are being carried out. The masses are hereby notified of any information regarding the driver's identity. The licensed plate number will be zoomed shortly for easier recognition."

As she spoke, the car's licensed plate were zoomed in and was easier to see. I heard a loud gasp! It was from Tess.

"Tess what's wrong? Are you alright?" Ana asked, reaching up to her in panic.

"Yes, dear. Are you in shock or something? You look faint." Dad intervened.

"Th-The license plate." She stuttered uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with it. Do you know who the driver is?" Ana asked.

"I can rec-recognise it anywhere. Even in a river of cars." She realized the irony of what she had said and held up her face with both hands, hardly conscious.

"The car looks oddly familiar but I can neither place it nor the licensed plates." Ana said and Dad nodded in confirmation.

"Whose car is it Tess?" Dad asked, now interested in the matter.

Tess gulped, looked at each one of us before finally setting her steadfast gaze at me. The way she stared at me placed in me the fear that I would regret whatever it was she had to say. My heart pounded louder than the sound of a train as I awaited her next words.

"It's Jason's!"

When Love Dies | 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now