chapter 6

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Skylla POV


I woke up at 3 am again. My usual nightmares have paid a visit again. The horrible past that haunts me and claws me inside out. The ones where dark thoughts are only surviving notion after the nightmare.

I was staring at the bland ceiling hoping and praying for sleep to take me as a prisoner. the wistful thinking had turned from minutes to hours till the sun started caressing my face, notifying me that the day had begun.

I dragged my body sluggishly, trudging towards the bathroom. I examined my face in the mirror searching for any improvement. I looked more light but I can still see the lingering darkness in my eyes which is responsible for the nightmares. I shake my head, moving towards my daily routine.

As I finish the routine and make my way downstairs I remembered that today was my day off. As my feet automatically take me to the coffee machine. I face the forest as the lush green and the sway of the trees are inviting me. before the forest can hypnotise me, my stomach starts growling. setting the mental reminder of buying groceries. while making up my mind that I should visit the forest today after shopping. I sprint up the stairs to my closet where I decided to wear a white sundress as it was the perfect weather for them. I let my hair loose wearing a tiny bit of lipgloss and mascara after sliding my wedges.

starting the car i was off . as i am gliding down the streets i start appreciating the weather and the slight breeze. I feel content just for a minute before i know it i am at the supermarket. I stroll through the doors grabbing a cart. I make my way through the aisles.I reach the coffee aisle and the one i wanted was on the highest shelf. even at my 5'7 height i couldnt reach it. At this point i was jumping for the damned container. i still couldn't reach.

Suddenly i felt a presence standing right behind me. i froze with sudden flashbacks to my dark past quickly. before my mind falls into a abyss of darkness and memories i am trying to repress. I turned around to the shove the individual away to come face to face with colton who had a goofy smile on his face. But once he had witnessed my fear his smile dropped. In advance of colton questioning my fear I inerrupted him .

"what are you doing here ?" I questioned colton while pulling a fake realistic smile.

"oh, you know shopping like everyone else at the supermarket " he teased.

this caused a pink hue and heat forming in my cheeks at the foolish question i asked out of all the question. which caused Colton to chuckle at my expenses.

" You should carry around ladders if you reach for things that are above your height shortie" he further teased.

"hey, hey not all of us giants." i retaliated , which was true Colton must have been at least 6 foot.

" this giant had just got your coffee for you so you should be thankful for me even helping you" he smirked.

At this point i was a blushing to the point that I was a tomato. I snorted but still thanked him .

" hey i know you are new to the town . We are having a barbecue with most of the town why don't you come along?" He suggested .

" I don't know maybe if Ralph gives me a day off" i answered whilst biting my lip.

" don't worry Ralph should be there too , so the diner should be there . Please say you are going to come as well" he started pouting.

" okay fine I'll come as well then" i replied as i rolled my eyes.

" don't worry you won't regret but i got to go now i need to run back home " he said as he started jogging away from me.

I just shook my head and pushed my cart to the next aisle.
—— few hours later ———
" finally , finished with putting the groceries away" i said to myself.

As I turn towards the sink , I see the luscious forest. I finally cave into my desire and decide to go to the forest . I grab a blanket and a book to read. And i head to the back door and leave my house .

As i walk down the cobbled pathway . I reach a mouldy gate which looked cute as i unlock the gate . I step into the green abyss . I could the wildlife coming alive as i step further. The birds are chirping and the swaying of the trees
was extremely soothing to the soul . I venture down the leaved covered path until i reach a clearing deciding that this was the perfect spot to settle .

I laid the blanket under a massive oak tree and sat my back against it. And started reading my book as i was getting to the second chapter my eyes were dozing off as last night lack of sleep was catching up with before i know it the blackness started taking over my vision.

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