Chapter 3

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***above is skylla's uniform***

I woke up with a smile on my face .which was a miracle itself . I don't know why but i feel so antsy . I couldn't wait to go to work . I had a gut feeling that something amazing was going to happen today .

So when i walked in the diner with a face spliting smile .Ralph just looked at me with his amused expression. "why that big smile doll? " he questioned .
"I don't know Ralph ? I feel happy i guess " with a shrug of my shoulders.
"Alright then doll . Your uniform would be in your locker in the staff room . Go change , come back and i will tell you how to run things ." he replied
With a nod I strolled to the staff still with a grin.

The uniform fit look a glove . I would say it was quite flattering against my curvy body and the blue against my skin tone made me look more exotic . All in all it was cute .

When i stepped out Ralph was cleaning was turned to his back to me and cleaning up one of the booths . I cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned around with a small smile on his face.

"Oh dollface .... it is like it was made for you."

I returned with a genuine smile as the compliment felt genuine.

"Now doll i will introduce to one more person who is also the chef"

He led me past the bar to the kitchen . There was a lady who. Had blonde almost white and the bright emerald green eyes she was busy turning steak over and in a chef's uniform she was lean. Almost arguably young if it wasn't for her crows feet and wrinkles and the motherly aura I wouldn't say she was old .

"Darling, I would like you to meet the new waitress."

She turned around it felt as if my she was gazing into my soul and it was quite unnerving. But it didn't hold any judgment but warmth and happiness.

"Hey dear , Accalia shadow i am this grumpy stumps wife."

He playfully growled at her in which she playfully rolled her. "I am joking honey."

Looking at them , i felt jealous actually . I longed for a relationship as this . You can see the love in their eyes even through all these years their love is strong and beautiful. But i concealed all these thought .Reminded myself I wouldn't find this . I am destined to be alone . So i put up a fake smile which i have mastered all to well to appear be natural . And changed the subject.
" So Ralph what should i do first?"

Lupus POV

Running against the wilderness felt amazing . The wind caressing against my fur . Being an alpha has its strengths and weaknesses. But i miss running freely without care away from pressures and work. But all good things must come to an end sadly.

'Alpha there are couple of rogues near the border.' My beta Colton had informed me.

'Ok Colton bring Ashton and a couple of  pack warriors to the border .'

As i was near the border . I was greeted by the filthy mutts . Rogues , are foul creations they used to be normal pack members who had committed crimes that went against our culture and god , the moon goodness.

I started circling this creatures and they red eyes held a evil glint in them like they thought they can win . But its a shame they are against a alpha of the one of the top packs in North America .

One of the three idiots decided to attack me and jumped on me ,which was an amateur move. I rolled him over and my black  big wolf towered over his measly wolf and one bite his head came right off . The other two got scared but pretended to be brave and tried fighting me we started circling each other but then I let my wolf instinct take over and then i clawed one of the rogues faces . I imagined to claw his eyes which led him to whimper and fall to the ground . The last rogue was too scared that he ran away before I could get him .

I then heard heavy thumping of a stampede informing Colton and the others were on there way .

'Oh man , you always get to have the fun .'
Colton mind linked me

I just laughed and replied with ' well you should have been faster then'

He just replied with' blame ashton , he was too busy with sapphire' As he threw a pair of shorts for me .

I went behind a tree and imagined myself as a human and then I felt my bones cracking and joining together to feel my hands and feet and again . Then I put my shorts on as when we shift normally our clothes shred into pieces .

"Well we will all see how you and Lupus are when you guys meet your mate ".

I can't wait till i meet my mate i am now 27 normally you would find your mate by your early twenties and finding your mate is difficult and it is a blessing because they are your other half , your soul mate . The one person who will love and cherish you forever and moon goddess will choose the right one specifically for the individual and they only get one therefore that's why they are held highly amongst werewolves.

" Alright guys cut this bromance out and lets head home you guys are giving me a headache "

I start walking through the forest heading towards back to the pack house and Colton caught up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder .

" awwww lupus don't be jelly I only love you!!" He screamed in my ear which caused him to deserve a slap against his head .

'Idiot' my wolf midnight said . I snickered cause it's so true .

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