Chapter 3 - Realisation

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Have another chapter! Woo! I'm soo bad at writing I stg but people are enjoying it so I'll keep doing it :)

Midoriya P.O.V

I opened my eyes after falling onto Todoroki and gasped when I looked around, my skin wasn't grey anymore, the table wasn't grey anymore, nothing was grey anymore.

I stood up in complete shock and ran, I knew what seeing colour meant but I was terrified. I'd met my soulmate and that should be a good thing but I've heard stories of some people finding their soulmate but their soulmate had another soulmate.

Knowing my luck, I was one of those people. Todoroki was too kind and too hot to be my soulmate. I ran to class, which luckily wasn't a class I shared with him.

Todoroki P.O.V

Midoriya fell on me, making an adorable squeaking noise as he slipped. Once he fell I noticed everything fading from black and white to colour.. He was my soulmate.

In that moment I was in disbelief. I ended up with the cutest boy as my soulmate and I couldn't believe it. I was about to say something when I heard him gasp and scramble off of me and Ithen watched him as he ran away. I had no idea what class he had next so I just grabbed my bag and started to walk to my next class.

I started thinking about how he ran away. His shock obviously showed he could see colour too but why was he so shocked by it? Why did he run away? Did he not want me to be his soulmate?

He was adorable and fun to be around yet I was here with an ugly burn mark and ugly hair and although I tried to show happiness I wasn't at all. I'm not a great person to discover as your soulmate. Who'd wanna spend their life with me?

As my last lesson droned on my head wouldn't stop filling with self doubt and hatred. I could point out every flaw I had, all the bad things about me. The more I thought about it, the more I understood why he wouldn't want to be with me. Why was he burdened with me being his soulmate?

The bell signalling the end of the day rung and I stood up and walked out, making my way towards the exit of the school. I saw Midoriya running out and fought the urge to run after him. He doesn't want me I should leave him alone. His hair was such a beautiful colour, it was the only thing I could admire since I could only see the back of his head.

I made a quick decision to chase after him. I ran towards the exit, running after Midoriya and my long legs brought me to the small boy in no time. I grabbed his arm and he stopped. He turned around and looked scared. His frightened expression soon turned into one full of worry as tears started to flow out of my eyes. Through my tears I could see how beaitiful his eyes were, the same shade as his hair and they were sparkling.

"Why do you not want me?" I asked in between sniffles. I never cried in front of people but right now I was so hurt. Finding my soulmate and them not wanting me to be their soulmate really hurt me. His eyes widened when I asked him that question and I continued speaking. "I know you see colour too, and I know it happened when we touched so please, tell me what's wrong with me. I know there's a lot but I want to know your specific reas-"

My words were cut short from the presence of lips on mine. After he pulled away, I stood there, shocked and staring at Midoriya. "I do want you I-I was just scared of you not wanting me. But I see now you do want me. And I want you too". His words filled me with so much relief and happiness. He does want me.

I grabbed him by his tie and brought his lips to mine, this kiss being much more passionate than our last kiss. I smiled as I let go of his tie and saw his blushing face.

"Do you wanna go to a park or something and just learn more about each other?" I asked him and he nodded while smiling. We walked to the nearest park not talking much. When we got there, we sat down on a bench next to each other.

"Why did you think I didn't want you?" he asked me, looking like a curious puppy. He probably doesn't even know how adorable he is.

"Well you're so cute, regarding looks and personality, and I just, I'm so boring and cold and don't really look great, especailly with my ugly burn.." I looked towards the ground while saying this; not wanting to see if his expression showed agreement or not.

I heard him laugh and I looked up at him again. "You're not ugly at all Shoto! And so far you haven't been boring, you're such an interesting person and you've been nicer to me than anyone ever has been except for my mum." He smiled wider when he mentioned his mother, I guess they're really close from the way she makes him so happy. "And besides, with the burn mark thing, with this bruise Kacchan gave me you still like my appearance so why should I care about your mark?"

I was kinda in shock that he thought so highly of me and it made me happy to know he likes my appearence and my personality. I thought about his words, how I've been nicer than most people in his life. Were people mean to him or did he just not have friends? I thought back to how that guy punched him, the cause of his bruise.

"Is everyone mean to you then? Like that guy who got angry at you today?" I asked, I just wanted to know how hurt he'd been throughout his life.

"Yeah, my whole life no one's ever really been that kind to me, everyone would follow Kacchan's footsteps and hurt me because he was cool and everyone wanted to be like him. My quirk developed really late so they'd make fun of me because they thought I was quirkless until a couple years ago. Even when I developed my quirk though they made fun of me for being sad over my father. I'm reminded of him everytime I use it and it makes me sad because he left me and my mother, no one knows where he is."

He stopped talking as he was beginning to get sad and I hugged him, he never deserved such harsh treatment, I haven't known him long but I can tell this boy has such a kind heart and definitely does not deserve to be bullied and hurt.

I related to the father thing, although mine didn't leave, he's not much of a father, too devoted to beating All Might and training me to be better than him and All Might to really care about me or my siblings. My mum was kind and I still loved her despite her burning me when I was a child. I understood her hatred for my father so I forgave her.

"It's okay now Izuku, I'm here for you now, and I'll do my best to protect you from anything harmful." I said to him while still holding him. He hugged me tighter and thanked me and I felt him smile into my shoulder. I was on a mission to keep this boy happy and safe from harm.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know I'm not that good at writing but it really means a lot that you guys are enjoying this story! Chapter 4 will hopefully be up by Saturday :)

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