Chapter 15 - The Beginning

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You fell back, darkness creeping up your vision.

The last sensation you felt was the feel of the rock hard ground behind you.


You opened your eyes and watched as the dark dragon brought both its talons down aiming at Sting.

What in the world was that? A vision?

You could feel Sting and Rogue still staring at you with their mouths open wide.

"Sting!!! Watch out!!" You screamed pushing Sting away. You turned your head slowly to see two black, spiky talons meters away from you and closing in fast.

Left or Right. Left or Right. Left or Right. Dammit.

You had to choose one direction and hope that it's right.

Stupid vision. Left it is then.

This time you had chosen correctly. The sharp pincer collided with your defences while the Dragon slayer duo attacked from behind you. The three of you managed to push back the two dragons. Yet you could feel yourself reach your limits. They needed a miracle to beat the dragons.

And that's what happened.

Surprisingly the miracle they need appeared in the form of a pink haired dragon slayer hurtling at and destroying the Eclipse gate. The two dragons before them started to disappear and thus ended their fearsome battle.

"What a shame!!" Sting said.

The trio sat on a demolished building. They were exhausted from the transpired events.

"True and we call ourselves Dragon Slayers!"

You wondered out loudly. If it not for the destruction of Eclipse gate, Fiore would be history by now.

"Not really. We protected our comrades. That's what matters." Rogue smiled at the two of you. You and Sting smiled at Rogue before tackling the latter down in a big double bear hug.

"Ack!! Get off you two!!"

The Shadow dragon slayer smacked the two of you in the head. But he couldn't stop the grin that broke through his visage. The three of you laughed in joy.



Frosch and Lector joined them in their little group hug. You smiled in joy and happiness. This is what a guild should be. Of happiness and friendship. You now knew without any hints of doubt that the others thought exactly the same too.

After some time of smacking each other and fooling around, you got up. Your little group walked toward the palace in hopes of meeting up with the others. But you saw Orga and Rufus even before you reached the Castle.

"Yo [F/N]!!"

Orga raised his hands for a high five. You complied laughing at the big guy. You were glad to see him in a cheerful mood. Behind him stood Rufus. You walked to him while the others exchanged stories.

"I'm alive."

"I'm Back."

The two of you said at the same time then burst into laughter. You were glad he said those words because even now in some deep abyss of your hearts you feared he will leave you alone again.

As for Rufus, you were his light. Although he would never voice it out loud, his biggest fear of those five years was for you. Whether or not you were alright and alive when he left you

A Mere Memory [Rufus Lore x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu