chapter 2

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The police arived 5 minutes after i called them, i was terified to know what happend to my parents but i was all ready sure that they were dead." uummm...miss i dont know how to say this but, uuumm, your parents are dead, im so sorry we couldent do any thing they were all ready dead when we pulled them out and... i just dont know what to say... im so sorry." said one of the police officers

"No, no, no, they cant be dead just did you did,... did you do any thing so they could breath i cant have no parents no no please no." i said on the verge of tears

"Im sorry miss but we tried every thing and nothing worked im so sorry.. do you have any family that you know that you can live with"

"Yeah my aunt was visiting us she'll take care of us"(us meaning me and my brother trevor hes 16)

"Well what are you going to tell your brother"asked the police officer

"I dont know im still thinking how i think im going to tell them when i get home have them sit in the living room and tell them that mom and dad died in a car crash"

"Okay well let me drive you home" said the tall police man

i nodded my head and we started walking over to the car i fell down on my knees sobing as the pain and the waight of knowing that my parents are dead becase of me tore me apart piece by pice, bit by bit, i could never look at my self the same way.

"C'mon Jenah you have to get up or i cant take you home"

"Okay im sorry i... i just cant deal with the fact that i killed my own parents"

"I know im sorry c'mon lets go"

"NO NO YOU DONT KNOW HAVE YOU EVER FELT AS BAD AS I DO I CAN NEVER LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT I KILLED MY OWN PARENTS.  its all my fault that I was drunk and i.. i just want ro throw my self off a bulding and kill my self i cant do this any more i-"

"JENAH!!! calm down and just get in the car"

I got up and walk over the rest of the way to the car and got in the drive to the house was so pain full i just wanted do just die. i got out of the car and walked over to the door and walked in.

"Jenah hey uumm were is your parents"asked aunt Jeniffer.

"Uuumm can you get trevor and can you two go sit in the living room i need to tell you guys some thing"

"Okay ill get him" she said

I was on the verge of crying my hart out and my stomach was in knots and my hart was pounding, i walked into the living room and sat on the chair in front of my brother and my aunt.

"Okay what were you going to tell us" asked Trevor

"Well uuummm.... i dont know how to say this but umm mom and dad died in a car crash beacase they were coming to get me and we drove off the bridge and i was the only one to get out."

"Oh my god.... well i guess im takeing care of you guys now, oh my god my sister just died....okay im going to get us throgh this okay im going to be here for you guys i will take care of you from now on."

Aunt Jeniffer just keept going on about how she was going to take care of us and i saw my brother was just sitting there frozen i could't handle it any more so i just ran up to my room and cried my self to sleep so i did't have to deal with it any more.

thank you guys for reading my "book" and i will try to wright more every day and vote and coment what to do next what i should do better in the next chapter and sorry for any spelling errors again this is my first book so yeah thanks by.

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