Ch. 21: A Promising Present (Part 2)

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"You too Lan— I mean Kehlani! Dinah has to be on stage in an hour and forty minutes", Lauren warned.

A faint blush appeared on Kehlani's cheeks when Lauren's stern voice snapped her out of her trance.

"Sorry Da— Lauren! It won't happen again", Kehlani said with a bashful smile. She then walked to her makeup kit and started picking out foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, and everything else she needed to make Dinah look ten times prettier than she already does.

Dinah glanced at Lauren curiously, but the latter refused to make eye-contact with her best friend. Instead, she went on her phone and decided to open Ally's message that was sent to her five minutes ago.

"Shit", Lauren commented out the blue.

All heads turned towards her.

"What happened Lo?"

"Normani wants you guys to wear color-coordinated outfits. The color she picked was red."

"Well, what a queen wants, a queen shall get."

"Aw that's so cute", Kehlani smiled, wishing someone treated her as good as Dinah seems to treat Normani.

"Thanks. Daya! Do you have anything red for me to wear?"

"Um...Let me check", Zendaya said, then frantically began looking through three racks of clothes.

Several seconds later, Zendaya pulled out high-waisted black pants that had sparkly red sequin strips on the side of them with a checkered patterned bra.

Zendaya whipped the outfit in front of Dinah's face while saying, "BAM!"

"I love it!!!"

"Me too", the tatted woman added.

"Me three. Daya, I'm very impressed", Lauren grinned.

"Bitch you better have been impressed. If not, then my parents paying an arm and a leg for me to go to FIT would've been for nothing."


"Clothing? Check. Makeup? Check. Sound Check? Check. Rehearsal? Check. Now all that's left is...", Lauren trailed off, trying to think if she missed anything.

"My hair!", Dinah shrieked, shocked that she and Lauren almost forgot that her hair needed to get done.

"I'm going to call Tré right now", Lauren said while picking up her phone . She dialed the number then added as the phone rang, "I can't believe my dumbass almost forgot."

After two rings, the man picked up, and Lauren began to speak.

"Hello? Tré?"

"This is he."

"Where are you?"

"At home chillin'.  What about you Lauren?"

"I'm backstage in Dinah's dressing room trying to get her ready for Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight Show, which is where you should fucking be hoe", Lauren said through gritted teeth.

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