Chapter 4

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The director looked across the table at Xavier, the idiot child standing between him and his subordinates. His expression became one of disdain as he looked at the boy. Carson seemed to be thinking of what he should do with him.

Finally, he looked away from the boy and to Jay, who had somewhat recovered. "Start his experiments in 2 days, 0600 hours."

Jay nodded and touched Xavier's shoulder and lead him out of the director's office with Evelyn following closely behind.

"Thanks for that, kid," Jay said over his shoulder. "I probably would've died if not for you."

Xavier looked down at his feet. "Yeah, no problem," he said quietly. Where exactly were they taking him?

The longer they walked, the more Xavier thought about the situation at hand. What could they want with a high schooler? Especially a high schooler like him? None of what had just happened was adding up to Xavier, but one thing was certain, he would make sure he figured it out. For all he could know, the experiments would just flat out kill him. Seeing as what the director did back in the office, it wouldn't come as a surprise. On a more positive note, they could be completely harmless, but to Xavier, that seemed unlikely.

"Here we are." The young boy had been so caught up in his head, that he didn't even realize they stopped. In front of the three was a big white door, what behind it was unknown. Xavier was nervous. He knew that power these people had, all the destruction they could cause.

"What are you waiting for Jay. Open the god damn door." One look at Evelyn and you could tell she was close to losing it. She had only seen the director do that once before, and let's just say, the person wasn't as lucky as Jay. "You know if we don't get him in there soon the director will have our heads. Literally." Jay knew his partner well, and he knew that when she got like this it was better to do as she says. Jay quickly swiped his keycard and the door opened.

Xavier was the first one to walk in. Inside the room was what looked to be a small apartment. Xavier was confused at first, and then he heard a click. He turned around to see that door that let him in was closed. He quickly went to the door with little hopes of it opening. He tugged once and nothing happened. He tugged again in hopes for some type of strange miracle, but again nothing happened. First, he was taken hostage by freaks who had special powers, then he meets the director of all the freaks with special powers who tries to kill one of his kidnappers, and now he's stuck in some random room not knowing what to do. Damn how much worse could his day get?

Not knowing what to do, Xavier walked away from the door and slammed his whole body on the bed. He just laid there and thought. He thought about how much worse his life could get. He thought about how he was lucky it wasn't his friends in his place. He thought about if anyone knew he was gone. He thought until he realized that thoughts won't help him out of the situation he's in. Actually, nothing will get him out of the situation he's in. He made a deal with the director, although it feels more like he made a deal with the devil. And even though he would love to just come up with a plan and leave, he knows that would just be a suicide mission. So he chooses to do what any sane person does. With his mind racing, he rolled over and surrendered himself to his exhaustion.

Author's Note

So... this chapter is really short. That's because we (both of us writers) need to get together and finalize the upcoming chapters. The past few chapters has just been one of us with an occasional imput from the other, so as soon as we finalize how we want the story to go, the chapters will return to regular length. Until then, thank you for being patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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