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The last chapter:
I accept it and held his hand throughout the walk towards to the next class.

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.•° Your pov °•.

After the long walk we finally find the classroom, he let go of my hand feeling the warmness disappear.

Principal look at me and smiled before knocking the blue door. The door opened only to see the bald teacher again "you're late (Your name)" "well, she encountered some difficulties" the principal said, baldi sigh but nodded and open the open the door fully gesturing to come in and of course stepping to the side

"Your notebook is in the last left chair in the third row." I nodded and walk past him looking for my seat eventually i find it, and immediately sit down. I look behind me to see the principal and the bald teacher talking, I can't really hear what are they talking about since I'm far away from them.

I look at my notebook and sigh before opening it to see math again but with different operations, I decide not to argue with it and answer the 3 easy question with ease.

"Psst!" I stop to my tracks "psst!" It said again, I turn around to see jack "finally!" He said to himself his body faced towards me but looks like he was going to fall from his seat.

"Why are you late lad? I've been waiting for you for like ages!" Jack exclaimed "somebody tried to pick on me" "who?" "Its not important anymore" jack pouts like a child "at least I'm still alive, untouched" his smile returns "alright, i'll accept that for now" he said.

He return to his work and I go back to answering the questions written in the notebook. Silence fill the room not including bald head teacher and the principal chatting with each other.

.•°no one's pov°•.

Minutes passed, the school bell rings gesturing for lunch time, jack stand up from his seat and look at his friend "hey (your name) are you done yet?" He asked the college girl in front of him she shook her head while focusing on her notebook. "Go on without me, i'll just finish this and catch up with you" jack nodded "alright lad see you in the cafeteria!" Jack left the girl alone with her (only) teacher and principal who is still chatting.

The bald teacher noticed her and asked "are you done yet?" "just a second" she did not look at him and keep answering "done!" The girl handed him the notebook "no, no keep it. I'll check it on the next class" he said as he push the notebook towards the college girl "anyway how old are you (Your name)?" "21, sir" "no need to be formal call me baldi, just baldi" the girl just realized now that her bald teacher sounded like her childhood T.V show ((eyyy))

The girl nodded grabbing her bag and escape the room with her notebook on hand. Baldi look at her and smiled to himself "isn't she so cute?" The principal said looking at her too "I guess, say...we never had a college student before right?" "Yeah, I think she was the first" "do you know why she is here?" "No, all I know her aunt wanted her here" the two friends keep chatting about her as the girl left the classroom. 

After the girl left the room she turn her direction to the shortest way to reach the cafeteria. After a while she feel her chest tighten, and her breaths shorten. She lean on the wall for support recalling the past scenario happening again.

The (hair color) haired girl run as fast as she can run from the unknown man trying to catch her, her tears fall down as her breath shorten from her tighten chest. Her stamina slowly lowering as she ran.

The college girl clutch her clothed chest as she look for her medicine, her chest burns as her hands reach deeper into her bag.


he (hair color) haired girl reach the end of the path she had taken "no, no" she repeated as she look for escape but found none, she look behind her to see the unknown man earlier nearing her slowly.

Finally she feel the familiar bottle. she pull it out immediately, opening the bottle, took out one piece of it and swallow it whole.

She rest for a bit feeling her stamina going back before running again luckily the principal is not there to catch her breaking the rule 'maybe the medicine wear off' she thought as she reach the cafeteria, opening the door and easily spot jack sitting alone eating his lunch. And of course the college girl sit beside him sweating and panting heavily.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked looking at her worriedly.

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Word count: 800

i know it's cliche but i'll make it in the next chapter since I almost publish this unfinished and panic immediately  finished this like this so sorry

Oh and in here I make baldi calm and kind before being a slapping fetish maniac. Oops my mouth slip whelp!  See ya in the next chapter

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