05 ; they asks you out

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He asked you out when you were laying down on the couch one day just relaxing and watching a show. He just out of no where said, "Hey you wanna go out." he acted like he didn't care at all, but you could tell he was a nervous wreck. You had looked so shocked he thought you would say no, but you said yes and after that you guys just continued to lay around.


Huey being Huey wanted to make a big gesture. So he made his whole family dress up really fancy and hold up some huge cards. When you got to the mansion he had told them to flip the cards; Go out with me y/n? Of course you had to say yes.


You were just sitting in your house when Dewey texted you;

Dewey: Hey y/n, it's Dewey from the FunZone, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me?

You: oh um sure, when do you wanna go?

Dewey: How does tonight at 7 sound?

You: Sure, I'll meet you at your house.

Dewey: Cool! See you then.

You: Bye.


Webby had set you up on a treasure hunt around the mansion and when you figured it out the clues were set up so that when you figured it out the answer was; Wanna go on a 'date' with me? She was with you the whole time and you said yes to her.

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