Carnivale de Altomare

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        Jen sat back down and N moved right beside her. “You might want to move over a foot, N…if you ever want to see the sun again.” Jen warned.

        They sat by the pond for a couple hours, talking to each other about Ghetsis and N’s foster sisters, and what would befall Team Plasma now that Ghetsis was no longer in charge.

        “Concordia and Anthea will be able to finally rest easy now that Team Plasma will no longer be chasing them, but they too might feel some sorrow towards losing Ghetsis in such a cruel way.” N said calmly. He was starting to sound like his normal self again.

        “What will you do now? Will Team Plasma at least leave you alone now too?”

        N sighed. “If I’m lucky, they will. If I’m even luckier, all the other Teams will leave me be as well. Who did you say Giovanni spared?”

        “I only saw Colress, but that was only during the helicopter trip. I don’t know if he or anyone else is still alive. Giovanni said that Team Rocket only needed Colress’s device.”

        N looked at her in horror. “So all of Ghetsis’s Team Plasma could be dead…”

        “This isn’t the first time that Giovanni has ordered the slaughter of multiple individuals.” Jen said slowly.

        “You know of another time?”

        Jen nodded. “He had my father and his colleagues murdered because they were working on something...big, and Giovanni didn’t want any of it to survive. Not even the information the scientists had locked away in their minds.”

        “Did you ever know who you dad was?” N asked.

        Jen grimaced. “I was too young to remember him. My mom always told me that he left when I was young…and I believed her.” She then smirked. “But I gotta thank Red and his Pokemon for revealing the truth to me.”

        “How did they do that?”

        Jen pointed to her bag. “My mom had a newspaper about him and a couple old files--” Jen suddenly went pale. She quickly turned to her bag and dumped everything out, which happened to be nothing. “Shit!”

        “What?” N asked.

        “They took the files!” Jen paled even more. “SHIT! DAMN IT! Team Rocket probably has it now…Oh God!”

        “The files just has the article about your dad, right?”

        Jen shook her head. “There was something that my dad sent to my mom that--”

        “--Was put in the files. If Team Rocket wanted those files destroyed before, then they will probably destroy them once they realize what they are.” N said grimly. “What were the files about anyway that is so important?”

        Jen shook her head again. “I can’t tell you, N. I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She quickly climbed to her feet and tried to run for the other side of the pond, but N stopped her.

        “It’s okay, Jen. We’ll get the files back.” He said, lifting her chin to face him.

        “N, you don’t get it. Those files need to be destroyed!” Jen said, panicked.

        N looked at her and pulled her close. “It’s okay, Jen.”

        Jen’s eyes began to widen as she quickly realized what was about to happen. “N, you really don’t want to do thi--”

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