The Beginning

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I was born into a poor family. We didn't have shit and my mama couldn't afford to give birth to me in a hospital I was born right in my living room. And right at that moment, when I opened my eyes, I knew this wasn't the life for me. I immediately started to think of ways to get rich. But since I was a little baby and couldn't do shit, I kept the ideas to myself. And then once I could walk, I started getting jobs for money. Once I could talk, I started telling my mama my plans and she was on her knees crying thanking God for such a smart kid like me. Once I would write and read, I started  making my lists of what I'm gonna do and how I'm gonna do it. Once I was five, I wanted to make more money and I wanted promotions and raises, and man it was hard cause ain't nobody gonna listen to a little five year old, so then I decided to work on my own and start my own business. Once I was six, we was already making a million dollar profit a year. It was tough shit, but by the time I was seven, I started payin my mamas rent. I worked hard as fuck everyday to show nothin but success. I never got an education in my life but I'm smarter than everyone else. Once I was eight I got my first mansion under my name Lil Tay, and I bought a Lamborghini and the iPhone X. And then once I was nine years old, my Instagram started to blow up, and tats the Lil Tay y'all pray to today.

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