N's Castle and...!

Start from the beginning

        Mewtwo slowly looked at Mew. “Mew…”

        “Hey, Jen called us to help her save the people still trapped in the crumbling building. I had to help you guys!” Mew said defensively.

        Mewtwo sighed annoyed. “We’ll have to talk to him later.”

        “Team Plasma has caused you problems in the past?” N asked, eavesdropping on the Mews’ conversation.

        The Mews stared at him.

        “Sorry. I couldn’t help, but overhear what you were talking about.”

        “Well you can forget what you have heard.” Mewtwo growled.

        N frowned and crawled off of Charizard’s back when they landed. “Thank you again.” He turned and looked at Jen. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but good luck with your training, Jen.”

        The group flinched.

        “How good is his hearing?!” Jen thought.

        N smirked grimly when he realized that he may have said something wrong. “Just promise me that you will continue to treat your Pokemon as your friends.”

        Jen blinked back into focus. “You have nothing to worry about. They have been my friends from the start and will always be my friends.”

        N smiled at her response and walked away.

        Once he disappeared into the distance Mew turned to the group and smiled. “So which region shall we go to now?”

        “How about Johto? Ash wrote about this really cool place called Altomare where he and Misty competed in a water chariot race.” Jen suggested.

        “Ooh, yes!” Mew cried. “We can see Latias there too!”

        Red and Jen looked at her confused. “Latias lives in Altomare?”

        “Yep. She’d be super excited to have us come visit. I’m sure she’ll want to hear how your training is going.”

        “And so will Arceus.” Mewtwo said, shooting Mew a look.

        Mew giggled awkwardly. “I already said I was sorry. We can talk to him when we get to Alt—Ship.”

        The group turned to Mew in shock.

        “Mew? Did…did you just cuss?” Vulpix asked with a slight chuckle. “I didn’t know you cussed.”

        “I didn’t. I said ship. See?” She said as she pointed to a large ship floating in the air. It was flying in the direction that N had left in.

        “…This is getting weird.” Red muttered.

        “It looks like it’s landing.” Jen pointed out.

        “Master, we should get out of here. Look at the emblem on the ship.”

        The group followed Haunter’s gaze and spotted the black and blue Chi Rho-like symbol on the side of the ship.

        “How is everyone finding us so quickly!?” Vulpix complained.

        “Walkie-talkies.” Jen smirked as she recalled Lacy’s answer.

        “They’re not heading towards us.” Rattata pointed out happily.

        “Good. We can leave without them noticing us.” Mewtwo said bluntly, but the second he looked at Jen’s worried expression he knew they were not leaving.

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