Tom Holland - Spiders

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A shriek erupted from the living room as (Y/N) was cooking dinner. She dropped her spoon on the counter, grabbed a knife and ran into the living room to investigate.

"What happened? Why did you scream? Who needs to die?" She asked quickly.
"THAT VILE, DISGUSTING, CREATURE DOES!" He said as he stood on the couch, pointing to something on the wall. I looked towards what he was pointing at and started to laugh. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING, (Y/N)?! KILL THE BLOODY THING!" He yelled. His face went red and I had toppled over and was crying with laughter.

After about five minutes of Tom yelling, I had calmed down. "Ok, Tom, I get that you're afraid of Spiders but, it is the smallest thing I have ever seen! You need to get a grip." I stated. I went to the tiny baby spider, grabbing it and chucking it out the window. "See? Gone. No harm done. Now, get off of the sofa ya big ass baby."
"I'm not a baby." He whined.
"Yeah, sure you're not." I rolled my eyes and went back to the kitchen to finish dinner. I'm holding that against him for the rest of his life.

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