Jen laughed as she watched Misty’s humorous imitation of Team Rocket. “It sounds like the group you faced wasn’t as violent or evil as the Team Rocket grunts I’ve been seeing.”

        “That’s because they have hearts and emotions, unlike the rest of Team Rocket. Luckily Jessie, Jamie, and Meowth quit awhile back…or so I’ve heard.” Misty glanced out towards the window at the nearly empty ship deck. “I guess we can go find Ash now.”

        Jen’s stomach tightened into a knot. “Yeah. Let’s go.” She was not looking forward to giving the terrible news to Ash.

        They turned to leave the control room when they felt something rumble under their feet. Both girls looked at each other worriedly before rushing to the window.

        The passengers felt it too for they were now moving even faster. Some were even jumping ship.

        “Where is Ash?” Misty wondered aloud.

        Jen scanned the faces of the fleeing passengers, but she couldn’t find Ash. “I’ll go check below deck. You stay on the sky deck and call me if you find Ash.” Jen ordered as she ran from the room.

        She could hear Misty calling after her, but Jen would not listen. She found a stairwell and quickly descended to the lower floors.

        “Ash! Ash!” She cried.

        “Jen! We’re over here!” The voice was faint, but she could tell that it was Pikachu.

        Jen ran along the hallways until she came to the boiler room. “Of course they would stick the bomb in the boiler room!” She quickly kicked open the door and rushed inside to find Ash on the ground unconscious. A wounded Pikachu was beside him, trying desperately to wake him.

        “Ash!” Jen gasped.

        “Team Rocket knocked him out while we were trying to deactivate the bomb, and took it somewhere else.”

        Jen nodded slightly and shook Ash. “Come on, Ash. Wake up!”

        Ash slowly stirred and looked at her sleepily before remembering where they were. “The bomb! Where is it? Where is Team Rocket? Is Misty alright?”

        Jen helped Ash to his feet and walked him back to the stairwell. “Don’t worry, Ash, Misty is fine. She’s on the sky deck as we speak. Now do you have any clue as to where the grunts could have taken the bomb?” She asked as she quickly shot Misty a text.

        “Found Ash. Go ahead and get off the ship.”

        Ash shook his head. He was still slightly disoriented. “It’s set on a timer. Last time I saw it, it had eight minutes to go.”

        “And how long ago was that?” Jen thought with a grimace.

        They reached the sky deck to find it cleared, say for one or two filled lifeboats currently being lowered into the water. Jen smiled with relief.

        “Time to get off.” Ash said as he reached for his Pokeballs. He chose one and threw it, summoning his Pidgeot. His Pokemon cawed and fanned its wings out. “Pidgeot, we need to--”

        Ash slumped to the ground and Pikachu rushed to his side. “Ash!”

        “Pikachu, get onto Pidgeot. We need to get Ash off of the ship and to the Center.” Jen instructed as she dragged her cousin onto his Pokemon.

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