11: Misunderstandings

Start from the beginning

I search for words by opening and closing my mouth repeatedly but don't get anything out. I don't know how to explain any of it. "I -I ... I'll have to talk to you later about that Sky. I'm kinda in a really public place. I'll say yes and no to that problem. I need to explain. Sorry sky. Just uhh.. Bye. For now!"

"Talk to you later. I'm really lost so call back soon."

I hang up and catch a glimpse at Harry's emerald eyes as he looks at me.

<<Hey well whenever you get back to London I won't be there. I got a different deal in L.A.>>

It will probably be another two months before I see Sky.

I carelessly usher the boys back over while I sit at a fountain. "Hey what was that all about?" Harry's eyes are wide and remorseful. "Just a good friend called. Not much."

"Hey uhh..while we are here... Can I get some shirts to sleep in? Kat just packed me all this stuff that I would never wear. I promise it will be quick. I'm not too picky." I drop my head down sheepishly and smile.

"Sure I guess..."

I walk into a Victoria's Secret and try to get in and out as soon as possible. It's really not good to have guys in a Victoria's Secret too long. They soon begin to think about what what goes into all these bras and panties. I just pick up some half decent pink basketball shorts and two shirts that say love pink.

"Done." I hold out my bags and slap Niall teasingly as he stares at a rack of double D bras.

"That was too quick. I was starting to like it in there." Harry smiles cheekily and I pause before I turn around the corner to tie my shoe.

I hear a slight gasp behind me and turn around to find a group of teenage girls with one direction bracelets and wide smiles. Just keep walking and they won't notice Lara.

A girl with a small elastic headband and straightened hair taps my shoulder. "Excuse me.. You're Lara right? I'm settling a bet."

"Yeah I'm Lara. Why?" She grins wildly and giggles to give a thumbs up to her two friends behind her. "It's so amazing to finally meet you Lara. You are a total inspiration to all of us. You are so beautiful and successful and I love all your art. I'm Morgan by the way."

I'm flattered by all of the above and blush noticeably but pause at the sound of my artwork. "You've seen my work?"

"Of course. We are such fans. It's really representative of the world around us." She smiles genuinely and fiddles around for something in her purse. "Could I possibly take a picture with you Lara? It would mean the world to me. I pose with her and her two friends whose names seem to be Ashley and Colbi.

I follow the girls on twitter much to their squealing and continue to walk along as I sign various pieces of paper that were lying in their bags. I don't even have a signature I'm just writing "Love you ____, Lara Croft xx"

The other blond one (I think her name is Ashley) burst in to ask,"Are you here alone or with Harry?"

"Oh I'm here with Harry, Niall, and Louis... But I seem to have misplaced them." I shrug my shoulders and go around the corner to be spooked by the three boys. "BOO LARA! You take forever." Louis shakes Niall by the shoulders as they giggle incessantly.

The three girls come up behind me and "fangirl". I don't even know how to explain fangirling I have never done it. I guess it's a mix of squealing and giggling and smiling and all over having a mental,physical, and emotional heart attack.

I throw my arm behind Harry's waist to start acting couple and lean in seductively to whisper,"Acting on?" He nods casually and smiles at the girls. "Hello. I'm Harry."

What Stays In Vegas: A One Direction StoryWhere stories live. Discover now