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~ 널 위해서라면 난
슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 ~

It's a miserably rainy day. People bustle past me and rush down the crowded subway. I mumble to myself as I fasten the large headphones over my ears and shove my hands into my worn out coat pockets. My shoulder bag sways with the fast-paced movement of my body as I race to find my platform. I turn up the volume of the hard rap song I've been listening to and continue to make my way through the narrow tunnels. I hurriedly find the train I need and quickly get on, stepping off the busy platform and finding safety.

I make my way through the narrow aisles, trying to find a seat. The train is packed today. Many bodies occupy seats, row after row. After a couple minutes of searching, I find a seat beside a window. I sit down and make myself as comfortable as possible. From my bag, I remove my laptop and place it on my thighs, flipping the screen open. I move a strand of wavy hair behind my ear and lean back into my seat. Typing in the password, I surf through my programs and folders. I click on my music folder. I find the new rap that I've been working on with my friend. He and I are underground rappers who recently met. We've been collaborating a lot lately. I hit the play button and listen to what we have so far.

Outside the trees and cars seem to move past the train at the speed of lightning. I adjust my round glasses properly on my small face and turn my head towards the window, admiring the view. I sigh deeply which seems to consume whatever energy I had pent up for the day.

As I gaze out through the glass a tall figure walks over and occupies the seat beside me. I quickly glance over at the body filling the empty space. It's a young man. He gives me a small smile while looking over my soft features. I give him a shy side smile before shifting a little ways away from him, returning my gaze to the window.

The train ride continues like this for an hour. Stopping at stations, people rushing on and off. Platforms buzzing with noise and hundreds of bodies. A tiresome cycle in my opinion. I sit patiently in my seat, listening to our songs on replay, waiting for my stop. The rain continues to pound the windows mercilessly. I rest my chin on my palm, resting my elbow on the armrest and watch as the heavy droplets fall from the sky and swiftly sweep across the window. I sigh solemnly to myself. This ride is too long.


As the train pulls to a thundering halt, I hurriedly stuff my things into my bag.

"Excuse me," I say quietly, shuffling clumsily past the man who sat beside me during the ride.

"Oh, sorry," He mumbles, tucking in his feet to the best of his abilities, allowing my small frame to squeeze past. Just as the doors begin closing I push past a small group of people blocking my exit. A few of them grunt as I stumble my way off the train. I trip onto the platform as the doors shut firmly behind me. People stare at me with incredulous looks. I furrow my brows in embarrassment and hastily leave the subway station.

Unfortunately for me, bad luck seems to follow me like a cloud today as rain violently falls upon my head. I race to find safety under a small building, not too far from the station. My round glasses are covered in miniscule drops of water. I pull them off my face and rub them on the inside of my coat, drying them off. I place them to sit on my nose once more before looking out towards the busy street. People push past one another trying to stay out of the rain. I watch miserably from underneath the building. I hug my backpack closely to my body, protecting the contents inside. This is the worst! I wait a little longer before I spot an orange taxi driving towards me.

"Taxi!" I shout loudly, flailing my arms in the air as I walk towards the curb, hoping to be seen by the taxi driver. The vehicle pulls over to the sidewalk and I thankfully rush towards it. I open the back door and step inside, sliding into the seat.

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