Korg's eyes glow up in excitement as he prepares the weapon. "The revolution has begun!"

Aurora high-fives him. "Hell, yeah!"


Valkyrie, Bruce and Aurora are sitting in the Scrapper's ship, flying through Sakaar to get to the yellow-red ship that Thor and Loki have stolen from the Grandmaster. Spotting their ship, Valkyrie immediately fires at the Sakaarian's ship that is after theirs, backing them up. Bruce glances at her impressed, both women keep making him speechless. "Good shot!"

"Thanks." Brunnhilde activates the communication system, connecting to the Grandmaster's ship to reach Thor. As she flies beneath the ship, she opens the glass pane above them, letting the air rush into her ship. "Open the doors."

Thor does as she says and Aurora knows what follows now. Let's just hope this won't release the Hulk. Standing up, she activates her jet boots while Val indirectly warns Bruce Banner. "I hope that you're tougher than you look!"

"Why?!" He shouts back before his seat catapults him up into Thor's ship, his scream echoing in the air. Aurora flinches when she witnesses how his back hits the ceiling of the ship but at least, he seems to be okay, no Hulk.

"Your turn!" Brunnhilde motions her to fly off with her jet boots, but before Aurora can do so, they suddenly get attacked by another ship. Valkyrie is forced to close the glass ceiling and Aurora plops back into her seat as they're trying to escape the shots. Topaz is after them and she's more than just determined.

"Where are the guns on this ship?" Thor asks through the comm to help them out of the situation.

"There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel!" Valkyrie shouts back and Bruce's indignant scream is audible on the line.


"Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff!" She answers and Aurora scrunches up her face in disgust. So we're trying to escape in a ship made for orgies? Great.

As the relentless pursuit continues, Topaz gets closer and closer to Valkyrie and Aurora's ship, now it's pretty obvious that it's a personal matter, probably some competition between the Scrapper and the Grandmaster's right hand. At least, Thor and Bruce are not in danger. All of sudden, the ship gets hit and it trembles roughly, Aurora and Valkyrie lose their balance. The system shows that the main engine is damaged and even Aurora knows that she cannot fix that in the short amount of time.

"Fucking bitch." The auburn-haired girl curses and Valkyrie opens the glass pane again.

"You all right?" She asks her and Aurora nods as Brunnhilde grabs her sword Dragonfang, placing it at her belt. "We have to jump off, the ship won't make it."

Both women stand up and climb out of their seats on the top of the ship. The air rushes violently into Aurora's ears and the wind blows her hair wildly around, yet she enjoys the prickling in her stomach and the adrenaline in her veins. Now activating her jet boots and space helmet,  she glances at Val who only nods, signaling her that she's ready. As Brunnhilde grabs Aurora's hand, they both jump off while the ship explodes at the same time. Getting thrown away by the pressure, they fly away and Aurora manages to pilot their direction towards Thor's ship with the help of her jet boots.

Valkyrie and Aurora land on the ship's glass pane, the boys flinching in surprise at their sudden appearance. While the Sakaarians still fire at them, Aurora frowns since she only sees Bruce and Thor, no Loki. Where is he??

"Get inside!" Thor commands, the danger to get shot at too big and Valkyrie glances at the ships that are after them.

"In a minute!" She climbs on the top of the ship and jumps onto the next one while Aurora flies with her jet boots to the entrance of theirs. Walking into the orgy ship, she deactivates her equipment and comes to the realization that Loki is indeed not here.

"Where's Loki??" Aurora asks Thor who gets up from his pilot seat, motioning her to sit in and fly the ship. She does as he wants and the blonde prince sighs.

"Had to leave him behind, he tried to betray me again. Fly the ship, I'll go and help Valkyrie." Thor's voice laces disappointment but no real shock whereas Aurora only groans. She hates how Loki's acting lately towards everyone, especially her. As the God of Thunder jumps off, Aurora continues to fly the ship, escaping the crossfire and getting closer to the Devil's Anus.

"Doctor Banner, are you alright?" Her question shortly distracts him from his anxiety.

"It's just overwhelming." He admits, holding tightly onto his seat. Suddenly, they get shot at again and Topaz' ship is right after them.

"Ugh, she won't give up!" Aurora chafes at the Sakaarian's stubborn determination and Bruce gets up, looking over the panel while Aurora is focused on escaping.

"Okay, come on. There's gotta be a gun on this thing. That looks like a gun." The scientist finds a big button that has a picture resembling an explosion. As he presses it, a melody suddenly starts playing.

"It's my birthday!" The Grandmaster's high pitched voice echoes through the space ship and Aurora widens her eyes. The ship leaves a lane of bursting colorful fireworks and Topaz' ship leads right into a fragment on the sea.

"Yeah!" Bruce cheers and Aurora grins, giving him a high five which he returns with a fist instead of his hand but this isn't all too bad, it's actually rather cute and geeky. While Aurora still flies the ship towards the wormhole, Valkyrie and Thor jump on it in the next moment, seeming to be well. "Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus!"

Valkyrie takes the seat of the copilot while Thor and Bruce sit behind the two. Sharing a glance, Aurora and Brunnhilde enter together the wormhole now, right into the chaotic storm. The wind in there is much stronger and could push them any moment away but both women manage to fly through, dodging the flying fragments in the hurricane.

"Here we go!" Valkyrie shouts and they get closer to the portal as the pressure grows with each second. Aurora clenches her teeth at the rough ride, the light of the wormhole getting stronger until they disappear into the bright portal.

A/N- Three chapters and an epilogue are left, guys!

Young God | L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now