Epilouge: Emma

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It had been a year and a half since Killian had come back, and we had been together ever since. I had everything I could ever possibly want. An amazing family, a perfect son, and my true love.

Killian and I walked hand in hand on the beach outside the castle.

We had been living there and on the Jolly Roger off and on, but it was a hassle. If anything happened to Snow and Charming, I would be queen. My brother, James, wasn't old enough to rule yet, so my princess duties still continued. But, I would happily hand the throne over to him in exchange for a life spent on the Jolly Roger with Killian and Henry.

I was so lost in thought that I barely noticed Killian staring at me.

I turned to him, smiling. "I love you."

He grinned back, a bit nervously, and I grew skeptical. Killian was never nervous. He cleared his throat, turning to me.


"Emma, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. You have made me a better person, turned me back into something I didn't think I could ever be again. You have taught me how to love, how to be a hero. You are the most amazing, beautiful woman I have ever met. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have a family with you. I love you."

He got down on one knee, and pulled a small black box out of his leather jacket. "Emma Swan, will you marry me?"

A joyful smile spread across my face, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I jumped into his arms, half laughing, half crying.

"Killian Jones! Is that even a question? Of course I will marry you!" I pulled him in for a kiss, and poured all my love for him into it.

Pulling away, I gazed at the ring he had set on the ground to kiss me. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry I had ever seen.

The entire thing was a diamond swan with a sapphire under the wing. I laughed.

"Killian, you do know that once I marry you, I won't be Emma Swan anymore... I'll be Emma Jones."

He nodded, smiling. "And while that is the most beautiful name I've ever heard, you'll always be my Swan."

The tears started escaping, and now there was no stopping them. I slipped the ring on my finger, kissing Killian again.

"I love you so much."

He smiled, "I love you too, with all my heart."

I looked around, and something dawned on me. "Killian, you know... This is where my parents got engaged!"

He smiled sheepishly. "Actually, yes. Henry told me. I—uh—asked the lad how he felt about this..."

I looked at him in awe. He loved me enough that he asked my son permission to marry me. "And what did he say?"

Killian beamed, and chuckled at bit. "He said yes, hugged me, and said I was going to be the best step-father in the world.

I smiled, tears still flowing from my eyes.

I had to tell him now, tell him what I had been holding back all day. I was nervous, and I didn't know if he would want this for us, but now, I was certain he would.



"I guess now would be a good time to tell you..." I paused, taking a deep breath. "I'm pregnant!"

Killian glanced at me, eyes growing wide, and his mouth formed into a grin.

Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine. He kissed me with everything he had.

"Emma," he said, almost to tears. "We're going to have a child! I'm going to be a father!" He hugged me tight. "You are bloody amazing, Swan. You're going to be a perfect mother—you already are!"

"And Killian," I said, grinning. "I would want no other man to be the father of this baby."

We sat there, holding each other, not exchanging words. Nothing needed to be said. We had each other, we had love. We were once both broken souls, but we mended each other. All it took was a compass and a beanstalk.

The end.

Ok, so everyone go check out my other story, the Price Of Freedom on my profile! I've only posted one chapter, but go ahead and add it to your library and stuff because I will be updating it soon, and the first couple chapters are boring, but just so that you'll get all the updates! Thanks again for all the love and votes and views on this story! Hopefully you'll like my next fanfiction just as much as you liked this one!

Love you all!

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