Chapter 18 - Goodbye Landon

Start from the beginning

"I just called you Dani, I guess she assume you were a boy," he answered, still hiding.

"Do you often have sex with guys while singing Spongebob songs?"

"No, I usually only have sex with guys while singing Dora the Explorer's songs," he replied and I could totally imagine the face he was making under there, deadpan serious.

I pushed where I assumed his ass would have been with my feet, trying to rile him up a bit. "Did you know that a boy's best friend is his mother?"

Landon popped from under the covers and grabbed my leg. "Yeah, I heard, Norman Bates. What are you doing here?"

"You told me to tell you when I had my shit figured out," I answered

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, like giving me a call, not breaking and entering."

"Your mom let me in. We're both worried that you're sleeping in too much," I said, my leg still in his arms. He was actually cradling it against his chest. I wasn't moving it from there. It was weirdly comfortable.

"What can I say, I don't really have a reason to get out of bed at this particular moment," he replied with a smirk.

I chuckled, but then I asked, "You miss you old job?"

"I miss my old life. But there's nothing I can do to change it. Even if I could go back in time I can't fix a heart defect," he said, his thumb stroking my leg absentmindedly. It was mildly turning me on.

"You could have tried to become a lawyer instead."

Landon snorted. "Do you see me as a lawyer?"

"Hey, if Elle Woods could do it, so can you," I said with a grin and gave him two thumbs up.

"Elle Woods had LSAT score of 179," he pointed out, deadpan.

I frowned. "You really need to get yourself a life."

"Legally Blonde is a masterpiece," he whined. "Reese Witherspoon is timeless."

I narrowed my eyes a bit. "That's your type?"

He slapped my leg. "Please stop trying to make useless small talk. Why are you here?"

I shrugged. "I just felt like dropping by."

"You look like shit."

I hit his stomach with my foot. "Thanks bitch."

He chuckled. "I mean you look like someone told you your dog died."

I pressed his chest with my whole leg. "Well I do know of a bitch that might die if she doesn't stop insulting me."

He huffed a little, his fingers digging in the skin of my thigh. "Settle down you crazy woman."

I chuckled and took my leg off of him. Breaking the physical contact made me feel kind of cold suddenly. "It wasn't in my plan. To see you again," I told him softly. "I kind of wanted to avoid you for the rest of my life."

"Anything but dealing with your feelings, right?"

I sighed staring at the ceiling. "Why do you even like me?"

Landon sat up, his back against the headboard too and stared at his lap. "I like you because despite everything you've got this presence everywhere you go, like you know where you're going even though you really don't. It's like you could fool anyone, you even fool him," he smiled a little at that, like it was funny. "He thinks you've got it all figured out, but you don't and that's the beauty of it. You don't show weakness, and you don't let anyone step on your toes and you don't make excuses for useless shit. You're confident and funny as shit. Crazy too but you wouldn't be Danika without that, and fifty percent of everything you say is utterly inappropriate but it doesn't faze you and what people think doesn't faze you."

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