Chapter 12: Kaleidoscope Eye's also gives it away leave me alone

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First of all! This song is like, sexual??? These lyrics are like very sexual????

Secound of all, I'm gonna repeat some of what I said about this song from my P!ATD/Ryden Conspiracy Theories book so yeah.

Okay so the lyrics/chorus:

"When your chips are down and your drinks are all gone I'll still be here wishing and waiting for you to come home kaleidoscope eyes sparkle at the world my emerald city downtown girl, in the sickness of you, I'm just a white blood cell fighting like hell for you,
Oh, I'm just a crook, with no intent or stash, pour gasoline on the vault just to burn the cash, I swear to God, I'd never heard a better sound coming out then when you're whimpering my name from your mouth"

"I have got an insatiable desire for your inside it is undeniable, I will conspire and pull against your body tonight,"

There's OBVIOUSLY some sexual tension in them lyrics, don't you dare tell me there's none.

"Emerlad City" is also the nickname for Seattle, there's a fact, and then Brendon sings "I swear to God, I'd never heard a better sound coming out then when you're whimpering my name from your mouth" and then tye other lyric "I have a insatiable desire for your insides" both if the last lryics are VERY sexual. Sooo,,, Seattle + those lyrics = Ryan and Brendon did the dirty in Seattle and seeing that the lryics are from Brendon's point of view = Ryan bottoms and Brendon sang about it.

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