"Wha-what do I do?", he asked nervously.

"I have to bite you. It might sting a little".

"Will the transformation hurt?"

"No". Amethyst lied. She felt if she told the truth of the pain he's going to endure, he won't go through with the plan.

"Then I'll do it".

"We must do it quickly before my parents notice my absence".

Lawrence extended his arm and watched Amethyst every move and she softly placed one hand on the top of his wrist and one on his forearm.

"I must inform you that with me changing you, we will be bound together forever. You will be me and I you. We will become one".

"Your majesty, there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with".

Amethyst changed him right there in that room, which sealed their fate together. And it is because of this day that Lawrence could have no possible indication of how it is to rapidly grow as a young vampire.

Noise from the front room drew their attention, so they hurried towards it. Their guards had a woman pinned to a wall, barely letting her breathe.

"Lawrence, help me", she choked out.

Lawrence nervously looked from the woman to his wife, who was now looking at him in confusion. Lawrence couldn't believe his past had caught up to him. One amazing night with Agatha, one of the most powerful witches, went terribly wrong when she begged him to leave his wife. He banished her from the kingdom and demanded she never return. She obviously did not listen.

"I told you to never return", he said barely above a whisper.

"Lawrence, who is she?", Amethyst asked.

"I am the queen of this kingdom!" Agatha yelled.

"I beg your pardon?", Amethyst almost laughed.

"You laugh now. But you won't be when you try to come around those brats of yours and you realize they have a heartbeat that wasn't there before. Blood rushing through their veins that will burn your throat like a wildfire, revealing the demons you really are!"

"You will not touch our children!", Amethyst demanded.

"The curse is done", Agatha stated with an evil grin.

Lawrence took a quick step towards her, but with an outreached hand that she pried away from the guard, stopped him in his tracks. With a snap of her fingers, Lawrence's body began to deteriorate as well as the guards holding her back. Lawrence screamed in agony and looked back at Amethyst, who now had violet tears running down her cheeks.

"Amethyst ... my love".

He reached out his hand, but couldn't reach far enough. Amethyst looked down at Lawrence's now skeleton, then darted her eyes onto Agatha.

"You have destroyed my family".

Amethyst palms began to spark with lightening. Her eyes became big pools of violet as she aimed her hands at Agatha and shot multiple electric currents within her body. Amethyst never wanted to use her power for murder, but she had no choice. Agatha's body dropped on the floor, lifeless like Lawrence's. She took a breath and soaked her powers back in. She began to hear the now beating hearts of her two young ones. Her throat was uncomfortably dry, like sandpaper. The mother in her used all the strength she had to overpower the vampire in her, who's only instinct right now is to kill. Her thirst was pulling her to suck the life out of her children. She felt her will begin to slip.

"Your majesty!"

Glinda, the kingdom's witch and Amethyst's close friend, came running to the front room and dropped to the queen's aid.

"The children ... they are human", Amethyst stifled out. She felt herself being pulled towards the room where the twins still were.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Take them ... to America. It is not safe here".

"But what about-"

Glinda stopped her question when she heard Amethyst vicious growl. She dashed through the long hallways until she reached the kids, who were still running around and playing.

"Come here, niños".

She picked up Apollo and Artemis, and pulled them close to her. She whispered a protecting cloaking spell into their ears, to hide them from any of the witches who she was sure was now coming to kill them. One thing about witches, is that they stick together. And with Agatha being one of the most powerful, there will be a few of her followers looking  to avenge her death.

"Mommy?", Apollo said looking up at Glinda.

"Mommy has to go away for a while, Papa. But we're going to go on a little trip. How does that sound?"

Glinda pulled a rosary out her pocket and chanted a spell for a portal. The castle began to shake from the magic that witches were projecting onto it to get inside.

"Let's go, niños", Glinda said before stepping into the portal. Artemis looked over Glinda's shoulder, her eyes glowing bright like the sun. A witch burst into the room before the portal could close and tried to snatch Glinda and the children back through. Artemis's aura expanded around them, protecting them while burning the witch's outreached hand. The witch clutched her wrist while looking at her hand that was now ash at her feet. The portal closed and Artemis closed her eyes, snuggling closer to Glinda.

The Dark Passage: Queen of the Damned (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now